DEETE - Trabalhos apresentados em eventos


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    Implementação de laboratórios virtuais em realidade aumentada para educação à distância
    (2008) Forte, Cleberson; Oliveira, Francisco César; Santin, Rafael; Kirner, Cláudio
    Este artigo apresenta uma discussão sobre laboratórios virtuais implementados com multimídia, realidade virtual e realidade aumentada, analisando seus aspectos técnicos e educacionais e enfatizando a colaboração local e remota. São mostrados dois estudos de caso de laboratórios virtuais de física com realidade aumentada, envolvendo movimento circular e lançamento de projétil.
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    Interaction, collaboration and authoring in augmented reality environments.
    (2009) Kirner, Cláudio; Santin, Rafael
    This paper describes the design of an augmented reality authoring system for end-users (aras-eu), focusing interaction, collaboration and authoring in augmented reality applications, showing the strategies adopted in each case. Interaction was emphasized in all levels of the system, resulting in the presentation of taxonomy of selection, manipulation and release techniques applied to augmented reality environments. We discuss the implementation of the system and an application related to the assembly process of a virtual helicopter in an augmented reality environment. We also considered aspects of the system structure and its support to work as a collaborative application based on distributed system.