DEMIN - Departamento de Engenharia de Minas

URI permanente desta comunidade


Resultados da Pesquisa

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    Development of innovation routes for iron ore using high intensity magnetic separators.
    (2022) Menezes, Késsius Bortolan; Gonçalves, Ana Vitória de Moura; Rodrigues, Otávia Martins Silva; Reis, Érica Linhares
    The mineral processing of low-grade iron ores commonly generates large vol- umes of slime, which are disposed as tailings. Modern mining requires strives to elimi- nate the use of tailings dams in a maximum effort to increase metallurgical recovery, the security and reduction of the operational cost. This research aims for the recovery of iron contained in the slime, which consists of a material with 38% Fe and <40 μm, originating from the desliming cyclones. Pilot tests were performed on the Wet High- Intensity Magnetic Separator (WHIMS) and on the Vertical Ring Pulsating High Gra- dient Magnetic Separator (VPHGMS) considering different configurations in terms of operating parameters and routes. The best results were obtained for VPHGMS with an iron content in the concentrate of 67.06% and mass and metallurgical recovery of 32.42% and 56.86%, respectively. In the best condition tested, around 540 thou- sand tons of concentrate can be incorporated into production and has great envi- ronmental relevance.
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    Selective flocculation and floc-flotation of iron bearing mineral slimes.
    (2022) Bretas, Pedro Lopes; Rodrigues, Otávia Martins Silva; Luz, José Aurélio Medeiros da
    The mineral processing of friable iron ores usually generates ultrafine (smaller than 15 μm) particles, normally called slimes, which usually have a high iron grade and are usually disposed into tailings dam. The traditional mineral process techniques for iron ore do not work efficiently with ultrafines; however, selective flocculation is an alternative to concentrate that fraction. The physical-chemical treatment of iron ore slime was studied here, on a bench scale, based on the scientific foundations of selective flocculation and flotation. Samples of slimes from two Brazilian iron ore processing plants (CEII and VGII) and industrial process waters were used in the tests. Complexometric titration of calcium and magnesium indicated that the process waters were adequate for selective flocculation. Only selective flocculation, even under optimum conditions, did not achieve good results. However, its use prior to flotation led to promising results. The VGII sample has stood out, for which the final concentrate achieved 60.1 % of Fe, the mass recovery was 64.5 % and 13.5 % of Fe in the tailing, resulting selectivity index of 6.58, only with one stage of selective flocculation and one stage of flotation.
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    Hydrophobic aggregation of galena fine particles.
    (2020) Nogueira, Francielle Câmara; Rodrigues, Otávia Martins Silva; Nogueira, Stephânia da Consolação Silva; Pereira, Carlos Alberto
    A evolução das atividades de mineração impulsionou a implementação de novos conceitos para o processamento de minérios de baixo teor com liberação de partículas de tamanho pequeno. Várias técnicas alternativas foram desenvolvidas, dentre as quais a agregação hidrofóbica deve ser enfatizada. Nesse processo, a hidrofobização seletiva é induzida por coletores que absorvem os minerais desejados, formando agregados capazes de aderir às bolhas de ar e que podem ser recuperados por flutuação. Apesar de seu grande potencial, esse processo ainda tem aplicação limitada na indústria mineral devido à sua grande complexidade. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar a aplicabilidade da agregação hidrofóbica para auxiliar a flotação de minérios de sulfeto de zinco e chumbo com tamanhos de partícula abaixo de 16 μm. Estudos fundamentais foram realizados com amostras de minerais de galena e esfalerita usando amil xantato e propil xantato como coletores. Para cada reagente, a influência do pH e a velocidade de agitação foram analisadas. Os resultados experimentais demonstraram que a agregação hidrofóbica estava intimamente correlacionada com a hidrofobicidade das partículas. A agregação não diminuiu com o aumento das cargas na superfície das partículas devido à adsorção do coletor, o que é considerado pela teoria DLVO estendida. A análise dos resultados sugeriu que a agregação hidrofóbica é uma técnica promissora para recuperar partículas finas de zinco e sulfeto de chumbo.
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    Utilising starches from sugarcane and cassava residues as hematite depressants.
    (2020) Marins, Tatiana Fernandes; Rodrigues, Otávia Martins Silva; Reis, Érica Linhares; Beltrão, Jéssica Goulart
    The aim of this study is to investigate the actions of sugarcane bagasse and cassava wastewater (two residues from the food industry) when used as hematite depressants. Additionally, the effect of each residue preparation method on the flotation results was analysed. The efficiencies of the depressors were investigated through microflotation tests utilising samples of pure hematite and quartz from Quadrilátero Ferrífero, which is in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil). The pH of 10.5 was selected due to its frequent use in the concentration of iron ore via flotation in Brazil. Three residue gelatinisation methods (natural, heated, and conventional) were evaluated to determine the most efficient method for the flotation process. Further, zeta potential measurements were performed on the hematite to ascertain the performances of the residues. Microflotation test results showed that hematite recovery decreased with increasing depressant concentration, for all reagents. Finally, the actions of residues gelatinised with the addition of sodium hydroxide (i.e. the conventional method) were shown to be similar to that obtained from corn starch, which indicates their potential application in the flotation process.
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    Electrochemical aspects in the flotation of leadzinc sulfides in Brazilian silicate ore – use of Na2S as modulator.
    (2019) São José, Fábio de; Rodrigues, Otávia Martins Silva; Pereira, Carlos Alberto
    Sodium sulfide plays a multifunctional role in sulfide minerals flotation. The restorative action of minerals surface is its main function. As pH regulator, it reacts on surface and provides the conditions for interactions between minerals-collectors. However, changes in pulp composition can affect the electrochemical conditions desirable for flotation. Thus, the purpose this study was the evaluation of electrochemical state established in flotation, involving a willemite ore bearing zinc and lead sulfide minerals, when Na2 S was used as pH regulator. So, the electrochemical potential established in the pulp, the recoveries and contents of Zn, Pb, and Ag were considered as criteria for assessing the process. The pH equal to 9 yielded the best results for recovery (95.33% Zn; 61.24% Pb; 79.01% Ag) and content (12.96% Zn; 1.54% Pb; 307.33 ppm Ag), due to the smaller interference that occurred in the electrochemical conditions of systems when compared to pH 11, also included in the evaluations. However, larger dosages of Na2 S were counterproductive due to depressant action. Decrease in the potential can be related to the excessive amount of HS- , impairing the sulfides flotation.
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    Influence of attrition variables on iron ore flotation.
    (2018) Fortes, Fabiana Fonseca; Rodrigues, Otávia Martins Silva; Pereira, Carlos Alberto; Gonçalves, Douglas
    The presence of slimes is harmful to the flotation process: the performance and consumption of reagents are negatively affected. Traditionally, the desliming stage has been responsible for removing slimes. However, depending on the porosity of the mineral particles, desliming may not be sufficient to maximize the concentration results. An attrition process before the desliming operation can improve the removal of slime, especially when slimes cover the surface and/or are confined to the cavities/pores of the mineral particles. Attrition is present in the flowcharts of the beneficiation process of phosphate and industrial sand (silica sand). Research has been undertaken for its application to produce pre-concentrates of zircon and iron ore. However, there is still little knowledge of the influence of the attrition variables on the beneficiation process of iron ore. This study presents a factorial design and analysis of the effects of these variables on the reverse flotation of iron ore. The standard of the experimental procedures for all tests included the attrition of pulp, under the conditions of dispersion, desliming and flotation. The parameter analysed (variable response) was the metallurgical recovery in reverse flotation tests. The planning and analysis of the full factorial experiment indicated that with 95% reliability, the rotation speed of the attrition cell impeller was the main variable in the attrition process of the iron ore. The percentage of solid variables in the pulp and the time of the attrition, as well as their interactions, were not indicated to be significant.
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    Kaolinite removal from bauxite by flotation.
    (2016) Rodrigues, Otávia Martins Silva; Peres, Antônio Eduardo Clark; Henriques, Andréia Bicalho; Amorim, Bárbara Gonçalves
    This paper presents a potential condition to separate kaolinite through flotation when it is present in bauxite ore. This research anticipates a Brazilian industry requirement, considering the tendency towards the need for aluminosilicates removal from bauxite ores, as has already occurred in China. Kaolinite is the most abundant aluminosilicate, and gibbsite is the main aluminum bearing mineral in Brazilian bauxite ores. The first step was a fundamental study involving microflotation experiments with pure samples of kaolinite and gibbsite. Ammonium quaternary salts and amines were used as the collector and corn starch as the depressant. In a fundamental study, the best conditions determined in the first step were evaluated for the flotation of kaolinite from bauxite ore using laboratory scale experiments. Tests with AQ142/starch (pH 10) and CTAB (pH 7) led to satisfactory results. In general, the highest values of alumina/silica mass ratio were obtained with AQ142/starch and the highest values of mass recovery and metallurgical recovery were achieved with CTAB.
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    Dispersion degree and zeta potential of hematite.
    (2016) Alexandrino, Júnia Soares; Peres, Antônio Eduardo Clark; Lopes, Gilmara Mendonça; Rodrigues, Otávia Martins Silva
    The dispersion degree of the mineral particles in the pulp is especially relevant regarding the performance of the cationic reverse flotation of iron ores. The gangue minerals should remain dispersed while hematite particles should be selectively flocculated. The present study addressed determinations of dispersion degree and zeta potential of hematite in the presence of different dispersants, classified as organic polymeric (natural and synthetic), organic monomeric, and inorganic. Special attention was paid to results achieved at pH 10, used in plant practice. For natural organic polymers, correlation was observed between the dispersion degree and the increase in the negative value of zeta potential. Some synthetic organic polymers enhance the dispersion of hematite particles despite not affecting significantly the zeta potential. Sodium silicates, irrespectively of the SiO2/Na2O ratio, at pH 10, did not impact significantly either the dispersion degree or the zeta potential.
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    Estado de dispersão de partículas de hematita em polpas na presença de reagentes.
    (2013) Alexandrino, Júnia Soares; Peres, Antônio Eduardo Clark; Rodrigues, Otávia Martins Silva; Lopes, Gilmara Mendonça
    Os minérios de ferro a serem explotados estão com teores do mineral de interesse muitos baixos. Com a diminuição desses teores, ocorre uma necessidade maior de moer o minério em granulometrias mais finas. Os óxidos e hidróxidos metálicos, tais como os óxidos de ferro, tornam-se carregados quando dispersos em meio aquoso. As alterações ocorridas na superfície de óxidos e a formação de interface eletricamente carregada entre as partículas e o meio aquoso são controladas pelo pH e força iônica da solução em que são dispersos. Esses fatores levam à necessidade de se estudar o efeito da dispersão nas etapas de flotação, espessamento e filtragem. Este trabalho, em escala de laboratório, visou contribuir para a melhor compreensão do tratamento de minérios de ferro abordando a dispersão de polpas de hematita na presença de reagentes dispersantes ou agregantes. Foram avaliados quatorze reagentes orgânicos e inorgânicos nos ensaios de dispersão. O estudo da dispersão da hematita sem adição de reagentes mostrou uma diminuição do grau de dispersão na faixa de pH de 6,5 a 7,5. As adições de amido e fubá levaram a agregação da hematita em toda faixa de pH, enquanto a dextrina levou ao aumento do grau de dispersão, na faixa alcalina. O tanino, reagente orgânico natural, que não agride o meio ambiente em caso de descarte, apresentou um aumento no grau de dispersão da hematita, mesmo em concentrações mais baixas (150 g/t). O ácido cítrico também levou ao aumento do grau de dispersão da hematita. A razão SiO2 /Na2O é um fator que pode interferir na ação do silicato de sódio na flotação do minério de ferro. O silicato de sódio C112, com razão mais baixa, não alterou significativamente o grau de dispersão; o silicato de sódio R3342, com maior razão, foi o que levou ao maior grau de dispersão. Já o silicato de sódio R2252 apresentou um aumento do grau de dispersão por volta de pH 8,5. O Dismulgan V3377 não mostrou muita diferença no grau de dispersão em todas as dosagens, mostrando certa semelhança com a curva de hematita pura. O Dispersogen LFS e o Polymax T10 levaram ao aumento do grau de dispersão na faixa alcalina de pH. O Bozefloc AE 738 pode ser sugerido como floculante. Em pH 10,5 apresentou uma boa agregação nas dosagens de 500g/t e 1000g/t. O reagente Dispersol 589 apresentou, em todas as dosagens estudadas, um aumento altamente significativo do grau de dispersão em toda faixa de pH. Em pH = 10,5, o reagente Depramin 158 levou a um aumento significativo do grau de dispersão. Na faixa ácida de pH, esse reagente levou a um grau de dispersão de aproximadamente 50%.
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    Kaolinite microflotation and zeta potential measurements in the presence of ammonium quaternary salts.
    (2010) Rodrigues, Otávia Martins Silva; Araujo, Armando Corrêa de; Peres, Antônio Eduardo Clark; Alexandrino, Júnia Soares; Lopes, Gilmara Mendonça
    Studies on kaolinite flotation are being driven by Chinese bauxite characteristics, presenting low alumina:silica weight ratios. This paper addresses the effect of the presence of cetyl pyridine chloride (CPC) and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) on kaolinite floatability and zeta potential. The reagents were dosed at three concentrations and the best floatability results were achieved at the highest concentration level (1x10-4 mol/L). Zeta potential determinations showed that both quaternary salts (CPC and CTAB) shift the kaolinite zeta potential to more positive values the specific collectors adsorption onto the mineral surface.