EM - Escola de Minas

URI permanente desta comunidadehttp://www.hml.repositorio.ufop.br/handle/123456789/6


A Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto foi fundada pelo cientista Claude Henri Gorceix e inaugurada em 12 de outubro de 1876.


Resultados da Pesquisa

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    The ancestors of meandering rivers.
    (2016) Almeida, Renato Paes de; Marconato, André; Freitas, Bernardo Tavares; Turra, Bruno Boito
    Modern alluvial plains, in contrast to their pre-Silurian counterparts, are characterized by the presence of meandering rivers in low-downstream-gradient areas, constituting efficient transport systems that maintain high bottom shear stresses in deep channels, which are made possible by bank stabilization, most commonly provided by vegetation in Earth’s recent history. Here we show, through numerical modeling and field-based description of large-scale exposures in Mesoproterozoic successions, that prevegetation rivers in low-downstream-gradient areas were markedly different from both younger meandering rivers and the common prevegetation sheet-braided rivers, showing deeper braided channels and greater floodplain preservation than the latter. These systems were less frequent and had lower transport efficiency than modern meandering rivers, implying differences in global-scale Earth-surface dynamics, from the weathering of silicate minerals in floodplains to the grain size distribution in all clastic depositional systems.
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    Ground penetrating radar investigation of depositional architecture : the São Sebastião and Marizal formations in the Cretaceous Tucano Basin, Northeastern Brazil.
    (2016) Tamura, Larissa Natsumi; Almeida, Renato Paes de; Taioli, Fabio; Marconato, André; Janikian, Liliane
    Um fator-chave para o avanço no estudo de depósitos fluviais é a aplicação de métodos geofísicos, e o Radar de Penetração no Solo é um método de especial valor. Embora amplamente aplicado em ambientes de rios ativos, em ambientes fluviais consolidados esse tipo de estudo é mais escasso, em contrapartida há uma grande importância em mais estudos de modelos análogos de hidrocarboneto. Por essa motivação, o presente trabalho aplicou o Radar de Penetração no Solo em afloramentos já estudados estratigraficamente nas Formações São Sebastião e Marizal e comparou ambos os resultados, além de definir se a resolução, a penetração e a frequência da antena foram adequadas na área de estudo. Por meio dos resultados, é possível identificar oito radar fácies diferentes, dos quais seis estão relacionadas a ambientes fluviais, uma a ambiente eólico, e a última a ambiente costeiro. Observou-se que houve compatibilidade entre os refletores encontrados nas seções Radar de Penetração no Solo e as estruturas sedimentares observadas em afloramento, como conjuntos de estratos cruzados preenchidos por estruturas planares ou acanaladas. Nota-se que a resolução do método foi muito eficiente e identificou estruturas decimétricas de até 0,3 m com uma antena de 100 MHz, porém com menor penetração de sinal em comparação com trabalhos de rios ativos. Dessa forma, o Radar de Penetração no Solo mostrou-se de grande potencial para estudos futuros sobre a arquitetura deposicional das unidades investigadas.
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    Large barchanoid dunes in the Amazon River and the rock record : implications for interpreting large river systems.
    (2016) Almeida, Renato Paes de; Galeazzi, Cristiano Padalino; Freitas, Bernardo Tavares; Janikian, Liliane; Ianniruberto, Marco; Marconato, André
    The interpretation of large river deposits from the rock record is hampered by the scarcity of direct observations of active large river systems. That is particularly true for deep-channel environments, where tens of meters deep flows dominate. These conditions are extremely different from what is found in smaller systems, from which current facies models were derived. MBES and shallow seismic surveys in a selected area of the Upper Amazonas River in Northern Brazil revealed the presence of large compound barchanoid dunes along the channel thalweg. The dunes are characterized by V-shaped, concave-downstream crest lines and convex-up longitudinal profiles, hundreds of meters wide, up to 300 m in wavelength and several meters high. Based on the morphology of compound dunes, expected preserved sedimentary structures are broad, large-scale, low-angle, concave up and downstream cross-strata, passing laterally and downstream to inclined cosets. Examples of such structures from large river deposits in the rock record are described in the Silurian Serra Grande Group and the Cretaceous São Sebastião and Marizal formations in Northeastern Brazil, as well as in Triassic Hawkesburry Sandstone in Southeastern Australia and the Plio–Pleistocene Içá Formation in the western Amazon. All these sedimentary structures are found near channel base surfaces and are somewhat coarser than the overlying fluvial deposits, favoring the interpretation of thalweg depositional settings. The recognition of large barchanoid dunes as bedforms restricted to river thalwegs and probably to large river systems brings the possibility of establishing new criteria for the interpretation of fluvial system scale in the rock record. Sedimentary structures compatible with the morphological characteristics of these bedforms seem to be relatively common in large river deposits, given their initial recognition in five different fluvial successions in Brazil and Australia, potentially enabling substantial improvements in facies models for large rivers.