Estatísticas para Absence of religious beliefs, unhealthy eating habits, illicit drug abuse, and self-rated health is associated with alcohol and tobacco use among college students — PADu study.

Total de visitas

Absence of religious beliefs, unhealthy eating habits, illicit drug abuse, and self-rated health is associated with alcohol and tobacco use among college students — PADu study. 39

Total visitas por mês

março 2024 6
abril 2024 1
maio 2024 5
junho 2024 0
julho 2024 0
agosto 2024 0
setembro 2024 0

Visitas Arquivos

ARTIGO_AbsenceReligiousBeliefs.pdf 13

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Estados Unidos 25
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China 2
Paquistão 1

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Porto Alegre 1
Vespasiano 1