Mota, Gabriela Cristina FerreiraCampos, Kamila de Fátima AnunciaçãoSousa, Lucas Resende DutraAmparo, Tatiane RoqueteVieira, Paula Melo de AbreuOkuma, Adriana AkemiMelo, Tânia Márcia SacramentoSantos, Viviane Martins Rebello dos2023-05-242023-05-242021MOTA, G. C. F. et al. Evaluation of the, in vitro, photoprotetive capacity of Moringa oleifera oil for its use in sunscreen formulation. Revista de Biotecnologia & Ciência, v. 10, n. 2, 2021. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 out. 2022.2238-6629 oleifera Lam is an Indian plant with applications in the agricultural and medical fields. The assets development capable of increasing the efficiency of sunscreens, mainly those of plant origin, due to their natural benefits, represents an increasing demand for cosmetology. The present study aims to identify by CG-MS the constituents of the most active oil and to evaluate the photoprotective capacity of Moringa oil, and its action in sunscreen formulations. Extracts of the oils from the Moringa seeds were evaluated for the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) observing the highest result for the dichloromethane extract. This extract showed low cytotoxic potential for human fibroblasts and it was incorporated into a sunscreen. The extract increased the SPF of the sunscreen and its effect may be related to fatty acids identified by GC-MS. The results showed the benefit of Moringa oil as a vegetable active in the sunscreen formulations by increasing the SPF of sunscreens in a natural and sustainable way.en-USabertoSun protectorsFatty acidsEvaluation of the, in vitro, photoprotetive capacity of Moringa oleifera oil for its use in sunscreen formulation.Avaliação da capacidade fotoprotetora, in vitro, do óleo de Moringa oleifera para uso em formulação de filtro solar.Artigo publicado em periodicoOs trabalhos publicados no periódico Revista de Biotecnologia & Ciência estão sob a Licença Creative Commons Attribution que permite o compartilhamento do trabalho com reconhecimento da autoria e publicação inicial nesta revista. Fonte: Revista de Biotecnologia & Ciência <>. Acesso em: 28 set. 2022.