Jesus, Diego Santos deVelten, Hermano Endlich SchneiderPiazza, Federico2023-08-172023-08-172023JESUS, D. S. de; VELTEN, H. E. S.; PIAZZA, F. Constraining the anomalous coupling of gravitational waves with the double pulsar. Physical Review D, v. 107, n. 6, artigo 064014, 2023. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 06 jul. 2023.2470-0029 revisit the decay of the orbital period in binary systems that occurs due to the emission of gravitational waves in the context of modifie- gravity models where the coupling Ggw between matter and on shell gravitons is allowed to differ from the Newton constant GN. Using the most precisely-timed double neutron star binary system, those of the double pulsar, we constrain the ratio Ggw=GN to the level of 10−4, improving by two orders of magnitude the present bound on this quantity.en-USrestritoConstraining the anomalous coupling of gravitational waves with the double pulsar.Artigo publicado em periodico