Borges, Jaila DiasAssis, Girley Francisco Machado deGomes, Lizziani de VasconcelosDias, João Carlos PintoPinto, Ildikô Delkim MirandaMartins Filho, Olindo AssisTorres, Rosália MoraisViñas, Pedro AlbajarBahia, Maria TerezinhaCoelho, George Luiz Lins MachadoLana, Marta de2014-11-192014-11-192006BORGES, J. D. et al. Seroprevalence of chagas disease in schoolchildren from two municipalities of jequitinhonha valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil; six years following the onset of epidemiological surveillance.Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, v. 48, p. 81-86, 2006. Disponível em: <http://>. Acesso em: 28 ago. 2014.0036-4665 years after the beginning of the epidemiological surveillance of Chagas disease in Berilo and José Gonçalves de Minas, Jequitinhonha Valley, MG, Brazil, a serological inquiry was performed to observe whether the transmission of this endemy was occurring in this area. A randomized sample of 1,412 children seven to 14 years old, was screened. Six asymptomatic children were found to be positive, leading to 0.4% of prevalence. Hemoculture confirmed infection in five out of the six positive cases. Additional epidemiological investigation revealed important antecedents, such as disease reports in relatives and predisposing ecological and housing conditions. Our results demonstrated similar seroprevalence (0.4%) in schoolchildren, ranging from seven to 14 years old, and that were observed six years ago (0.2%) for children 0-9 year-old. Thus, considering the constant presence of Panstrogylus megistus in the peridomicile these findings emphasize the need of continuous improved epidemiological surveillance of Chagas disease in this region.en-USChagas diseaseSerologyChildrenSeroprevalence of chagas disease in schoolchildren from two municipalities of jequitinhonha valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil; six years following the onset of epidemiological surveillance.Artigo publicado em periodicoA Revista do Instituto de Medicina tropical de São Paulo permite que o Repositório Institucional da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP) deposite uma cópia eletrônica dos artigos publicados por esse periódico  em que ao menos um dos autores faça parte da comunidade cientifica da UFOP. Fonte: Licença concedida por email enviado no dia 06 dez. 2013.