Santos, Gleice de SouzaIbraim, Vanessa Rezende CerceauSilva, Edissa Emi CortezSant'Anna, Eneida Maria Eskinazi2021-09-092021-09-092020SANTOS, G. de. S. et al. Interaction between Epistylis sp. and copepods in tropical lakes: responses of epibiont infestation to species host density. Limnologica, v. 84, p. 125815, set. 2020. Disponível em: <,-and%20copepods%20was&text=Infestation%20of%20Epistylis%20sp.,rare%20larger%20ones%20are%20present.>. Acesso em: 12 maio 2021.0075-9511 between Epistylis sp. and copepods was investigated in 3 tropical lakes. Epibiont load was higher in Thermocyclops minutus compared to Notodiaptomus ssp. at light compensation depth. No difference was found at surface. Infestation of Epistylis sp. seems to respond to copepod species densities. Attaching to more abundant copepods may increase encounter rates of epibionts with its hosts, raising biological efficiency of it even if attaching to smaller hosts when rare larger ones are present.en-USrestritoEpibiosisZooplanktonInterspecific interactionBrazilInteraction between Epistylis sp. and copepods in tropical lakes : responses of epibiont infestation to species host density.Artigo publicado em periodico,-and%20copepods%20was&text=Infestation%20of%20Epistylis%20sp.,rare%20larger%20ones%20are%20present.