Lima, Marlon PaoloTakahashi, Ricardo Hiroshi CaldeiraVieira, Marcos Augusto MenezesCarrano, Eduardo Gontijo2018-10-042018-10-042018LIMA, M P. et al. Hybrid multicriteria algorithms applied to structural design of wireless local area networks. Applied Intelligence, v. 48, n. 10, p. 3653–3671, out. 2018. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 03 mai. 2018.15737497 manuscript presents a novel approach based on hybrid optimization techniques for planning Wireless Local Area Networks in two stages: i) network structure design for access point (AP) placement and channel assignment and ii) channel assignment enhancement. We consider two objective functions: network load balance and signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio; and three hard constraints: maximum AP capacities, client demand attendance, and minimum coverage levels. The proposed algorithm delivers an approximation of the efficient solution set, considering the two functions described above. The results from two scenarios were compared to the following four approaches: two multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, a well-known commercial tool, and a greedy technique. Finally, the solutions were subjected to sensitivity analysis to validate their robustness regarding user mobility and AP failures.en-USrestritoChannel assignmentMultiobjective optimizationHybrid multicriteria algorithms applied to structural design of wireless local area networks.Artigo publicado em periodico