Santos, Paloma Lays dosSilveira Júnior, Orlando JoséHuang, RongjuanJardim, Guilherme Augusto de MeloMatos, Matheus Josué de SouzaSilva Júnior, Eufrânio Nunes daMonkman, Andrew P.Dias, Fernando B.Cury, Luiz Alberto2019-06-102019-06-102019SANTOS, P. L. dos. et al. Dynamics of aggregated states resolved by gated fluorescence in films of room temperature phosphorescent emitters. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 21, p. 3814-3821, 2019. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 mar. 2019.1463-9076 derivative molecules were studied using steady state and time resolved fluorescence techniques and demonstrated to lead to strong formation of aggregated species, identified as dimers by time dependent density functional theory calculations. Blended films in a matrix of Zeonexs, produced at different concentrations, showed different contributions of dimer and monomer emissions in a prompt time frame, e.g. less than 50 ns. In contrast, the phosphorescence (e.g. emission from the triplet state) shows no significant effect on dimer formation, although strong dependence of the phosphorescence intensity on concentration is observed, leading to phosphorescence being quenched at higher concentration.en-USrestritoDynamics of aggregated states resolved by gated fluorescence in films of room temperature phosphorescent emitters.Artigo publicado em periodico