Moreira, Hugo SouzaLana, Cristiano de CarvalhoNalini Júnior, Hermínio Arias2016-07-252016-07-252015MOREIRA, H. S; LANA, C. de C. ; NALINI Jr, H. A. The detrital zircon record of an Archaean convergent basin in the Southern São Francisco Craton, Brazil. Precambrian Research, v. 275, p. 84-99, 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 jul. 2016. zircon ages are an importanttoolto study the provenance and evolution of sedimentary rocks, and currently there is a general lack of such studies in greenstone belt basins. In this paper, we combine field observations and in situ U–Pb/Lu–Hf detrital zircon analyses to constrain the evolution of a large, ancient convergent basin in SE Brazil. The Maquiné Group (the uppermost clastic sequence of the Rio das Velhas Greenstone Belt) was deposited during a fundamental shift in the evolution of the southern São Francisco Craton that ended with closure ofthe greenstone belt basin and the stabilization ofthe continental crust at ca. 2730–2700 Ma.We show that detritus accumulated in the Maquiné basin derived from uplifted nearby source rocks and that sedimentation was marked by drastic upward lithological changes (from flysch to molasse-type sedimentation). The restricted distributary provenance (marked by a strong uni-modal age spectra at 2770–2780 Ma) requires that sedimentation was concomitant with exhumation of a proximal 2770–2780 Ma TTG magmatic arc. The entire detrital zircon spectra show that maximum deposition ages are very close to the timing of deposition, and confirm that deposition occurred during or immediately after tectonic convergence. Variations in Hf(t) values support the idea that the Archaean crystalline crust of the craton was built by crust–mantle mixing processes with a successive decrease of values in zircons crystallized after 3100 Ma. In a regional context, our dataset supports previous interpretations of a long-lived evolution of the southern São Francisco Craton comprising a succession of magmatic arcs and Archaean convergent das VelhasMaquiné GroupDetrital zirconsGreenstone beltConvergent basinThe detrital zircon record of an Archaean convergent basin in the Southern São Francisco Craton, Brazil.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico Precambrian Research concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 3902510668656.