Martins, Alexandre XavierDuhamel, ChristopheMahey, PhilippeSaldanha, Rodney RezendeSouza, Maurício Cardoso de2012-10-082012-10-082012MARTINS, A. X. et al. Variable neighborhood descent with iterated local search for routing and wavelength assignment. Computers & Operations Research, v. 39, n. 9, p. 2133-2141, 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 09 out. 2012.03050548 this work we treat the Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) with focus on minimizing the number of wavelengths to route demand requests. Lightpaths are used to carry the traffic optically between origin-destination pairs. The RWA is subjected to wavelength continuity constraints, and a particular wavelength cannot be assigned to two different lightpaths sharing a common physical link. We develop a Variable Neighborhood Descent (VND) with Iterated Local Search (ILS) for the problem. In a VND phase we try to rearrange requests between subgraphs associated to subsets of a partition of the set of lightpath requests. In a feasible solution, lightpaths belonging to a subset can be routed with the same wavelength. Thus, the purpose is to eliminate one subset of the partition. When VND fails, we perform a ILS phase to disturb the requests distribution among the subsets of the partition. An iteration of the algorithm alternates between a VND phase and a ILS phase. We report computational experiments that show VND-ILS was able to improve results upon powerful methods proposed in the literature.en-USRouting and assignmentNetwork desingVariable neighborhood descentLocal searchVariable neighborhood descent with iterated local search for routing and wavelength assignment.Artigo publicado em periodicoO Periódico Computers & Operations Research concede permissão para depósito do artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 3291280451177.