Shishito, MarceloVolta, Carolina Lescura de Carvalho CastroCarvalho, Alissandra Nazareth deKnupp, Marcos Eduardo Carvalho Gonçalves2023-07-182023-07-182022SHISHITO, M. et al. Image of tourist destination: review and analysis of articles published in Brazil. Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, v. 16, p. 71-85, 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 06 jul. 2023.2414-9063 tourist destination image is recognized by many scholars in the area as one of the main factors responsible for influencing the tourist’s choice of destination and, therefore, an essential factor to be considered in destination tourism management and planning, in order it can be sustainably competitive. The aim of this article is to conduct a systematic review of articles published in Brazil on the subject of destination image to provide an overview of how studies on the subject are being carried out. To this end, the SPELL platform was used to identify and collect the data. The sample of this study was compound by 23 articles existing on SPELL database, published between the years 2008 and 2020. Most of the articles studied are characterized as exploratory-descriptive re- search, empirical in nature, balancing between quantitative and qualitative methodo- logical approaches. The main publications that serve as a basis for destination image studies were identified: Baloglu and Maccleary (1999); Echtner and Ritchie (1991); Gal- larza, Saura and García (2002); Beerli and Martín (2004) and Chagas (2008). The results of this study seek to contribute to the scientific development about the tourist destina- tion image serving as a basis to guide future studies on the subject and, consequently, to contribute to the development of tourist destinations.en-USabertoBibliographic reviewImage of tourist destination : review and analysis of articles published in Brazil.ИМИДЖ ТУРИСТСКОЙ ДЕСТИНАЦИИ : АНАЛИТИЧЕСКИЙ ОБЗОР БРАЗИЛЬСКИХ НАУЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ.Artigo publicado em periodicoThis work is under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit Fonte: PDF do artigo.