Martins, LemyrPeres, Antônio Eduardo ClarkGalery, RobertoPereira, Carlos Alberto2017-08-312017-08-312012MARTINS, L. et al. Carbonate content reduction in zinc ore concentrate. Journal of Materials Research Technology, v.1, p. 27 - 30, 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 20 jul. 2017.2238-7854 hydrometallurgical zinc extraction from the willemite concentrate is impaired by the presence of high carbonate content. A stiff froth is produced causing zinc losses and acid consumption. A standard procedure was developed to de􀃀 ne the acceptable froth layer height in a laboratory test. Froth layers shorter than 2 cm resulted from carbonate content in the concentrate below 10.8%. The feasibility of adding a carbonate 􀃁 otation stage to the circuit was tested in laboratory and pilot scales. Among the collectors investigated, only those presenting a saponi􀃀 cation degree above 189 mg KOH/mg were effective in the laboratory experiments. Oleine and rice bran oil soaps were selected for the pilot scale experiments. The 􀃀 nal stage was a one month long industrial trial performed in a circuit consisting of three pneumatic cells G18. A comparison between the average results of the industrial trial including the carbonate 􀃁 otation stage and data of the raw industrial concentrate indicated that the MgO content in the concentrate dropped from 3.7%–3%. Concurrently, the carbonate content in the concentrate dropped from 11%–10.6%, the zinc grade in the concentrate increased from 41.4%–42% and the zinc recovery increased from 86.6%–89.8%. The concentrate was processed in the hydrometallurgical plant with no frothing problems.en-USabertoFlotation frothFlotation collectorsFlotation reagentsCarbonate content reduction in zinc ore concentrate.Artigo publicado em periodicoEste é um artigo Open Access sob a licença de CC BY-NC-ND. Fonte: o próprio artigo.