Veloso, Vanja MariaGuedes, Paulo Marcos da MattaAndrade, Isabel Mayer deCaldas, Ivo SantanaMartins, Helen RodriguesCarneiro, Cláudia MartinsCoelho, George Luiz Lins MachadoLana, Marta deGalvão, Lúcia Maria da CunhaBahia, Maria TerezinhaChiari, Egler2015-11-262015-11-262008VELOSO, V. M. et al. Trypanosoma cruzi: blood parasitism kinetics and their correlation with heart parasitism intensity during long-term infection of Beagle dogs. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, v. 103, n. 6, p. 528-534, set. 2008. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 21 out. 20151678-8060 goals of the present study were to evaluate the kinetics of blood parasitism by examination of fresh blood, blood culture (BC) and PCR assays and their correlation with heart parasitism during two years of infection in Beagle dogs inoculated with the Be-78, Y and ABC Trypanosoma cruzi strains. Our results showed that the parasite or its kDNA is easily detected during the acute phase in all infected animals. On the other hand, a reduced number of positive tests were verified during the chronic phase of the infection. The frequency of positive tests was correlated with T. cruzi strain. The percentage of positive BC and blood PCR performed in samples from animals inoculated with Be-78 and ABC strains were similar and significantly larger in relation to animals infected with the Y strain. Comparison of the positivity of PCR tests performed using blood and heart tissue samples obtained two years after infection showed two different patterns associated with the inoculated T. cruzi strain: (1) high PCR positivity for both blood and tissue was observed in animals infected with Be-78 or ABC strains; (2) lower and higher PCR positivity for the blood and tissue, respectively, was detected in animals infected with Y strains. These data suggest that the sensitivity of BC and blood PCR was T. cruzi strain dependent and, in contrast, the heart tissue PCR revealed higher sensitivity regardless of the parasite stock.en-USParasitemiaBlood cultureBlood and tissue PCRTrypanosoma cruzi : blood parasitism kinetics and their correlation with heart parasitism intensity during long-term infection of Beagle dogs.Artigo publicado em periodicoTodo o conteúdo do periódico Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, exceto onde identificado, está sob uma licença Creative Commons que permite copiar, distribuir e transmitir o trabalho em qualquer suporte ou formato desde que sejam citados o autor e o licenciante. Não permite o uso para fins comerciais. Fonte: Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz <>. Acesso em: 19 ago. 2019.