Brito, Samuraí Gomes de AguiarAmaral, Barbara LopesAraújo, Rafael Chaves Souto2018-11-012018-11-012018BRITO, S. G. de A.; AMARAL, B. L.; ARAÚJO, R. C. S. Quantifying Bell nonlocality with the trace distance. Physical Review A, v. 97, p. 022111, fev. 2018. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2018.24699934 performed on distant parts of an entangled quantum state can generate correlations incompatible with classical theories respecting the assumption of local causality. This is the phenomenon known as quantum nonlocality that, apart from its fundamental role, can also be put to practical use in applications such as cryptography and distributed computing. Clearly, developing ways of quantifying nonlocality is an important primitive in this scenario. Here, we propose to quantify the nonlocality of a given probability distribution via its trace distance to the set of classical correlations. We show that this measure is a monotone under the free operations of a resource theory and, furthermore, that it can be computed efficiently with a linear program. We put our framework to use in a variety of relevant Bell scenarios also comparing the trace distance to other standard measures in the literature.en-USrestritoQuantifying Bell nonlocality with the trace distance.Artigo publicado em periodico