Armas Alejo, AndresMartins, Felipe José AidarMatos, Dihogo Gama deSantos, Marcelo Danillo dosSilva, Dilton dos SantosSouza, Raphael Fabrício deSantos, Jymmys Lopes dosSouza, Lúcio Marques VieiraCosta, Cleberson Franclin TavaresSilva, Albená Nunes da2021-08-232021-08-232020ARMAS ALEJO, A. et al. Does pre-competitive anxiety interfere in the performance of boxing athletes in Brazil?: a pilot sudy.. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, v. 26, n. 2, p. 139-142, mar./abr. 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2021.1806-9940 Pre-competitive anxiety is one of the psychological factors that can greatly influence athletes’ performance, especially when it comes to individual sport like boxing. Objective: To analyze the level of pre-competitive anxiety in male athletes in the adult and young adult categories, and their correlation with the final results of the last Brazilian National Championship. Methods: A total of 60 young adult athletes participated in the study: 38 non-medalists (17.17±0.54 years and 66.38±13.21 kg) and 22 medalists (17.48±0.54 years and 66.21±12.96 kg). The “adults” group consisted of 35 athletes: 11 non-medalists (22.60±4.65 years and 68.33±14.08 kg) and 24 medalists (22.60±4.82 years and 67.33 ±13.13 kg). Results: The levels of cognitive anxiety in the young adult athletes group presented significant differences: medalists presented lower scores than non-medalists (12.77±2.62 and 15.92±5.20, respectively). In the adults group, medalists presented higher scores than non-medalists (15.23±4.42 and 12.00±4.11). Significant differences were observed in somatic anxiety levels between the young adult medalists and the other groups (p = 0.038). In addition, levels of self-confidence were high in all groups (young adult non-medalists = 29.42±4.82; adult non-medalists = 26.14±4.94, young adult medalists = 31.59±4.24 and adult medalists = 28.91±4.88). Conclusion: We conclude that self-confidence may interfere with anxiety levels, considering that medal-winning boxers are less prone to cognitive anxiety than non-medalists, and that both groups have high levels of self-confidence. Level of evidence I; High quality randomized trial with statistically significant difference or no statistically significant difference but narrow confidence intervals.en-USabertoSports performanceYouthDesempenho esportivoDoes pre-competitive anxiety interfere in the performance of boxing athletes in Brazil? : a pilot sudy.A ansiedade pré-competitiva interfere no rendimento dos atletas de boxe no Brasil? : estudo piloto.Artigo publicado em periodicoThis article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International public license. Fonte: o PDF do artigo.