Vieira Filho, Sidney AugustoDuarte, Lucienir PainsSilva, Grácia Divina de FátimaHowarth, O. W.Lula, Ivana Silva2017-03-292017-03-292003VIEIRA FILHO, S. A. et al. 3-beta-(Stearyloxy)olean-12-ene from Austroplenckia populnea: structure elucidation by 2D-NMR and quantitative 13C-NMR spectroscopy. Helvetica Chimica Acta, v. 86, n.10, p. 3445-3449, 2003. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 20 jan. 2017.1522-2675 -(Stearyloxy)olean-12-ene was isolated from a hexane extract of Austroplenckia populnea Reiss (Celastraceae) leaves. The structure was solved by means of quantitative 13C-NMR, HMBC, HMQC, COSY, NOESY, and NOE difference spectra. The mass spectrum showed an [M 1] ion peak at m/z 693, and the molecular formula C48H84O2 was confirmed by combustion analysis.en-USrestrito3-beta-(Stearyloxy)olean-12-ene from Austroplenckia populnea : structure elucidation by 2D-NMR and quantitative 13C-NMR spectroscopy.Artigo publicado em periodico