Leibowitz, Zachary WilliamBrito, Lorena Aparecida FortesLima, Placiano Viana deSant'Anna, Eneida Maria EskinaziBarros, Nathan Oliveira2017-10-182017-10-182017LEIBOWITZ, Z. W. et al. Significant changes in water pCO2 caused by turbulence from waterfalls. Limnologica, Jena, v. 62, p. 1-4, 2017. Disponível em: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0075951116301517>. Acesso em: 25 ago. 2017.0075-9511http://www.repositorio.ufop.br/handle/123456789/8964tInland waters are sites of intense carbon processing, stocking and transport. We examined the influenceof waterfall-turbulence on CO2partial pressures (pCO2) before and after waterfalls in a tropical river.The results indicated a 51.4% decrease of pCO2from up (1375 ± 320 ppm) to downriver (655 ± 58 ppm),suggesting an unaccounted degassing promoted by waterfall-turbulence. This process needs to be betterunderstood in order to more accurately determine the role of freshwater environments in the globalcarbon balance.en-USabertoCarbon dioxideOutgassingWaterfallsRiveraSignificant changes in water pCO2 caused by turbulence from waterfalls.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 4197591126333.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.limno.2016.09.008