Sargeant, Adam JamesHussein, Mahir SalehPato, Mauricio PortoTakigawa, NoboruUeda, Masahito2012-09-262012-09-262004SARGEANT, A. J. et al. Addendum : attenuation of the intensity within a superdeformed band. Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics, v. 69, n. 6, p. 067301-067304 jun. 2004. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 26 set. 2012.05562813 investigate a random matrix model [Phys. Rev. C 65, 024302 (2002)] for the decay-out of a superdeformed band as a function of the parameters: G# /GS, GN/D, GS /D, and D/D. Here G# is the spreading width for the mixing of a superdeformed (SD) state u0l with a normally deformed (ND) doorway state udl, GS and GN are the electromagnetic widths of the SD and ND states, respectively, D is the mean level spacing of the compound ND states and D is the energy difference between u0l and udl. The maximum possible effect of a transition from ordered to chaotic states is inferred from analytical and numerical calculations of the decay intensity in the limiting cases for which the ND states obey Poisson and GOE statistics. Our results show that the sharp attenuation of the decay intensity cannot be explained solely by a transition from ordered to chaotic states.en-USAddendum : attenuation of the intensity within a superdeformed band.Artigo publicado em periodicoO periódico Physical Review. C, Nuclear Physics permite o depósito da versão PDF do editor em Repositório Institucional. Fonte: Sherpa/Romeo <>. Acesso em 26 fev. 2014.