Curi, AdilsonLopes, Paulo André RibeiroMiranda, José FernandoArroyo Ortiz, Carlos Enrique2017-07-102017-07-102015CURI, A. et al. Methodology to evaluate the ARD potential in some Brazilian gold mines. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, v. 5, n. 7, p. 45-60, jul. 2015. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 jul. 2017.22496645 paper proposes a methodology to evaluates the potential of acid rock drainage (ARD) in some gold mines of Brazilian ferriferous quadrangle. A program of sampling was developed to characterize geochemically the ores and wastes in minesites and quantify the potential of acid mine drainage and metal solubility. Were performed analyses by the following static tests: - saturated paste pH , ABA, NAG, MABA and total and soluble metal analysis. To compare the results is suggested a tabulation considering a relative weight for each performed test. In this methodology each test ( ABA, MABA or NAG) was evaluated in a graduated scale from zero to 100 points totalizing a maximum of 300 points.en-USrestritoAcid drainageMethodology to evaluate the ARD potential in some Brazilian gold mines.Artigo publicado em periodico