Biajoli, Fabrício LacerdaSouza, Marcone Jamilson FreitasChaves, Antônio AugustoMine, Otávio MassashiCabral, Lucídio dos Anjos FormigaPontes, Roberto Carlos2012-08-102012-08-102004BIAJOLI, F. L. et al. Scheduling the brazilian soccer championship : a simulated annealing approach. In: Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT), 2004. Pittsburgh (EUA). Anais....Pittsburgh: Springer-Verlag, 2004. p.1-4. Disponível em:;jsessionid=1B073CDCE347011F24249A2545E409F7?cid=4188002. Acesso em: 10/08/2012. timetablingTravel tornament problemSimmulated annealingScheduling the brazilian soccer championship : a simulated annealing approach.Trabalho apresentado em evento