Ferrari, Gustavo ArrighiChacham, HelioOliveira, Alan Barros deMatos, Matheus Josué de SouzaBatista, Ronaldo Junio CamposMeireles, Leonel MunizBarboza, Ana Paula MoreiraAlmeida, Ive Silvestre deNeves, Bernardo Ruegger AlmeidaLacerda, Rodrigo Gribel2023-01-182023-01-182022FERRARI, G. A. et al. Graphene nanoencapsulation action at an air/lipid interface. Journal of Materials Science, v. 57, p. 6224-6232, 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 06 jul. 2022.1573-4803 the present work, we apply a microfluidic channel platform to study mechanical and adhesion properties of suspended graphene in contact with oleic acid (a lipid). In the platform, one side of the suspended graphene, atop a window in a fluidic channel, is placed in contact with the lipid, and the mechanical response of graphene is experimentally accessed with an atomic force microscope probe. We observe a strong effect arising from the presence of oleic acid: the probe undergoes a large jump-to-contact effect, being pulled and partially encapsulated by graphene, in a phagocytosis-like phenomenon, until it penetrates 0.2 lm into graphene. In contrast, such encapsulation effect is neg- ligible in the absence of oleic acid in the channel, with probe penetration of less than 0.02 lm. The lipid-induced encapsulation effect is observed to occur concurrently with graphene delamination from the window walls. Molecular dynamics simulations and continuum mechanics analytical modeling are also performed, the latter allowing quantitative fittings to the experiments.en-USrestritoGraphene nanoencapsulation action at an air/lipid interface.Artigo publicado em periodico