Comparison of different ways of expressing creatine kinase concentration of soccer players during a competitive season.

The aim of this study was to analyze the responses of creatine kinase [CK] expressed in different forms to the training load of professional soccer players during a competitive season. Twelve players (age, 24 ± 4 years) participated in the study. [CK] was analyzed before the pre-season (Pre), after the pre-season (Post), and in the competitive mesocycles (M1, M2, and M3). Results showed [CK] in the Pre, Post, M1, M2, and M3 phases in absolute values (181.3 ± 58.7, 416.4 ± 155.7, 526.4 ± 268.0, 403.8 ± 137.0, and 442.5 ± 212.3 U/L, respectively), relative values (16.3 ± 4.6, 39.5 ± 19.1, 47.8 ± 20.1, 37.5 ± 14.2, 40.1 ± 17.4 %CKmáx, respectively), and values relative to the variation delta (19.9 ± 3.6, 48.1 ± 26.5, 57.0 ± 23.2, 45.1 ± 17.7, and 48.3 ± 22.0 %ΔCKmáx, respectively). [CK] was lower only during the Pre phase compared to the other phases (p < 0.05). [CK] was expressed as %CKmáx or %ΔCKmáx may be more specific to monitor training. In addition, the individualization of this biomarker optimizes the athletes’ performance as muscle injuries can be prevented.
Physical exertion, Training, Performance
COELHO, D. B. et al. Comparison of different ways of expressing creatine kinase concentration of soccer players during a competitive season. Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, v. 22, p. 160-165, 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 29 ago. 2017.