Influence of the heterogeneity of waste from wet processing of ornamental stones on the performance of Portland cement composites.

One of the difficulties of using some residues, such as those from stones beneficiation (cutting and polishing), is their heterogeneity. This study analyzes the influence of the heterogeneity of waste from wet processing of ornamental stones (marble, granite, slate, among others) on the performance of Portland cement composites when used at a 20% replacement of cement. The mechanical behavior (compressive strength, flexural strength, and elastic modulus) and durability parameters (porosity, water absorption, carbonation, and electrical resistivity) are analyzed. Results indicate that the waste can present considerable heterogeneity while maintaining composites properties, indicating little influence on their physicochemical properties. It can be inferred that the filler effect of the waste compensated to a certain extent the negative effects (the increase in w/c ratio and the reduction of important hydrates) due to reduced cement content, showing its viability as mineral addition, despite its heterogeneity.
Ornamental stones waste, Cementitious composites, Waste reuse, Cementitious composites with residue, Heterogeneity
ALMADA, B. S. et al. Influence of the heterogeneity of waste from wet processing of ornamental stones on the performance of Portland cement composites. Construction and Building Materials, v. 262, p. 120036, 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 set. 2021.