Assessment of the mechanical parameters of resin composites with the addition of various types of fibres.

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The article describes tests of epoxy mortars after the addition of fibres. The fibres were a substitute for sand in the amount of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% by volume, respectively. Three types of mortar were obtained, containing polypropylene, glass and carbon fibres, respectively. Statistical analyses (ANOVA) were carried out to assess the impact of fibre content on the mechanical properties of mortars. Brittle fracture toughness was also tested using the Cracked Straight Through Brazilian Disc method. The addition of each type of fibre improved the assessed parameters. Based on the obtained research results, and also due to availability and price, the most advantageous seems to be the production of composites containing the addition of polypropylene fibres.
Epoxy mortars, Fibres, Mechanical properties, Cracked straight through Brazilian disc test, Microstructural analysis
DEBSKA, B. et al. Assessment of the mechanical parameters of resin composites with the addition of various types of fibres. Materials, v. 13, n. 6, p. 1378, mar. 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 set. 2021.