10 km running race induces an elevation in the plasma myokine level of nonprofessional runners.

Purpose Acute and chronic physical exercise is believed to have benefcial efects on human health. Exercise is also able to modulate immune function. We hypothesed that exercise is able to induce many benefts for human health by modulating immune functions through the production and release of many myokines. Here, we investigated the efects of a running race on the level of plasmatic myokines. Methods Nine male volunteers took part in this study. Blood samples were obtained before, immediately after and 24 h after the race. Results Participants completed the 10 km running race in 49.85±7.04 min. The levels of IL-6 elevated after exercise (0.94±0.4–2.82±0.3 pg/ml). The IL-15 plasma level was also higher immediately after (0.88±0.25–1.29±0.36 pg/ml), and 24 h after (1.30±1.01 pg/ml), the end of the exercise. Irisin increased only 24 h after exercise (632.60±188.40– 974.70±232.30 pg/ml). FABP3 increased after exercise (829.60±68.93–1306.00±319.10 pg/ml). The plasma levels of BDNF (4719.00±701.80–5557.00±810.30 pg/ml) and Fractalkine increased after exercise (101.2±34.96–134.90±43.62 pg/ ml). The level of FSTL (7265.00±1553.00–9074.00±1662.00 pg/ml) and Osteonectin (16.52±3.54–15.71±3.38 pg/ml) also increased after exercise, and then returned to baseline level 24 h after the end of the session. Conclusion Taken together, these results suggest that a 10 km running race induces elevation of important myokine plasma levels.
Exercise, Running, Skeletal muscle
BARBOSA, L. S. M. et al. 10 km running race induces an elevation in the plasma myokine level of nonprofessional runners. Sport Sciences for Health, v. 1, p. 1-12, nov. 2019. Disponível em <https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11332-019-00608-3>. Acesso em: 10 fev. 2020.