Effects of glass wool residue recycled admixtures on the properties of portland cement-based composites.

In this study, the effects of a recycled mineral admixture based on glass wool residue (GWR) in microstructural and mechanical properties of ordinary portland cement (OPC)-based composites are examined. The GWR was dried and milled into a fine powder, whereby it was physicochemically characterized. Physicomechanical tests, quantitative X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscope observation were performed in pastes and mortars at 28, 56, and 90 days of age. Moreover, the potential application of the GWR was evaluated by determining the pozzolanic activity and the fiber reinforcement effect. The results showed that the partial replacement of cement by 25% by weight of GWR presented no reductions in flexural strength at 28 and 56 days of curing, whereas the long-term flexural strength increased by 17%. This replacement also increased the long-term compressive strength of the composites—reaching a strength activity index of 1.06. The results also showed that GWR presented some fiber reinforcement effect—depending on the particle size. Promising properties were observed for samples blended with GWR, yielding technical, environmental, and economic benefits.
Glass wool residue - GWR, Supplementary cementitious material - SCM, Microfiber, Reinforced mortars, X-ray diffraction
SILVA, K. D. do C. e et al. Effects of glass wool residue recycled admixtures on the properties of portland cement-based composites. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, v. 34, n. 11, artigo 04022301-1, 2022. Disponível em: <https://ascelibrary.org/doi/full/10.1061/%28ASCE%29MT.1943-5533.0004462>. Acesso em: 15 mar. 2023.