SimiVal, a multi-criteria map comparison tool for land-change model projections.


The multiple uses of land-cover models have led to validation with choice metrics or an ad hoc choice of the validation metrics available. To address this, we have identified the major dimensions of land-cover maps that ought to be evaluated and devised a Similarity Validation (SimiVal) tool. SimiVal uses a linear regression to test a modelled projection against benchmark cases of, perfect, observed and systematicbias, calculated by rescaling the metrics from a random case relative to the observed, perfect case. The most informative regression coefficients, p-value and slope, are plot on a ternary graph of ‘similarity space’ whose extremes are the three benchmark cases. SimiVal is tested on projections of two deliberately contrasting land-cover models to show the similarity between intra- and inter-model parameterisations. We find metrics of landscape structure are important in distinguishing between different projections of the same model. Predictive and exploratory models can benefit from the tool.



Land-cover modelling, Validation, Landscape metrics, Land-cover change


BRADLEY, A. V. et al. SimiVal, a multi-criteria map comparison tool for land-change model projections. Environmental Modelling & Software, v. 82, p. 229-240, 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 16 jan. 2018.



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