Analysis of the influence of gully erosion in the flow pattern of catchment streams, Southeastern Brazil.

dc.contributor.authorCosta, Fernanda Martineli
dc.contributor.authorBacellar, Luis de Almeida Prado
dc.description.abstractThe baseflow of tributaries to the Velhas River in the northwest region of Ouro Preto County (São Francisco Basin, Brazil) has been declining in the last years, without a simultaneous decrease in the water input. This can only be attributed to badly planned human activities, which result in soil crusting or compaction, erosion, among other types of impact, such as groundwater overexploitation and wetland drainage. Almost all of the study area has been eroded by hundreds of large-size gullies. In order to analyze the influence of erosion in the hydrological behavior of small streams, two similar and contiguous catchments were selected. The only remarkable difference between them is a gully that occupies circa 42% of one of the catchments (“eroded catchment”). Rainfall, flow rates and chemical data were obtained throughout a hydrological year and the results showed that the eroded catchment presented smaller baseflow rates and bigger but short-lived stormflows. This contrasting flow regime is attributed to the gully, which is causing the partial withdraw of the regolith and the exposure of weathered rock. As the regolith has smaller hydraulic conductivities and higher storage coefficients, the exposure of weathered rock on the gully floor explains the odd flow behavior of the eroded catchment. Other studies in the same region confirm the impact caused by the gullies. Thus, the superposition of many gullies can cause decrease of the baseflow and increase of the stormflow. As gullies are very common erosion features in Brazil, they should be much more studied in order to better understand this and other similar types of environmental impact.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationCOSTA, F. M.; BACELLAR, L. de A. P. Analysis of the influence of gully erosion in the flow pattern of catchment streams, Southeastern Brazil. CATENA, v. artcle, p. 230-238, 2007. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 30 set. 2014.pt_BR
dc.rights.licenseO periódico CATENA concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 3481460771058.pt_BR
dc.subjectCatchment streamspt_BR
dc.subjectFlow patternpt_BR
dc.titleAnalysis of the influence of gully erosion in the flow pattern of catchment streams, Southeastern Brazil.pt_BR
dc.typeArtigo publicado em periodicopt_BR