Impact of thermal bridging on the performance of buildings using Light Steel Framing in Brazil.

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The Light Steel Framing building technology was introduced in Brazil in the late 1990s for the construction of residential houses. Because the design systemwas imported from the United States and is optimised to work well in that temperate climate, some modifications must be made to adapt it for the Brazilian climate. The objective of this paper was to assess the impact of thermal bridging across enclosure elements on the thermal performance of buildings designed with Light Steel Framing in Brazil. The numerical simulation program EnergyPlus and a specific method that considered the effects of metallic structures in the hourly simulations were used for the analysis. Two air-conditioned commercial buildings were used as case studies. The peak thermal load increased approximately 10% when an interior metal frame was included in the numerical simulations compared to non-metallic structures. Even when a metal frame panel was used only for vertical elements in the facade of a building with a conventional concrete structure, the simulations showed a 5% increase in annual energy use.
Thermal bridge, Light Steel Framing, Building simulation, Thermal performance
GOMES, A. P.; SOUZA, H. A. de; TRIBESS, A. Impact of thermal bridging on the performance of buildings using Light Steel Framing in Brazil. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 52, p. 84-89, 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 09 abr. 2015.