Flexible pavement with mining waste proposal - execution and analysis of an experimental section.

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The extraction of iron ore has a fundamental role in the Brazilian economy. However, such activity generates considerable volumes of waste whose disposal, even if regulated and licensed, has a significant environmental impact. The worldwide concern for sustainable practices along with the urgency for measures to mitigate environmental damage, justifies research on its use in other activities. Therefore, the present study aims to analyze the test results of laboratory versus field of mixtures composed of mining waste. The field studies were made on the execution of an experimental section on the BR 040 highway, in Minas Gerais - Brazil. According to the validation of the laboratory results, the mixtures composed of 35% Tailings + 15% Waste Rock + 50% Canga of Ore and 35% Tailings + 20% Gravel 1 + 45% Gravel 0 were used in the base and sub-base layers of the experimental section, respectively. The field technological control showed that the mixtures had an anomalous behavior from the one observed in the laboratory, mainly regarding strength and deformability.
Sustainable, Mining, tailings, Test, Section
ANDALICIO, A. F.; PEREIRA, E. L.; OLIVEIRA, T. M. de. Flexible pavement with mining waste proposal - execution and analysis of an experimental section. REM - International Engineering Journal, v. 75, n. 4, p. 297-305, out./dez. 2022. Disponível em: <https://www.scielo.br/j/remi/a/47sKMLYmBKsKf6jLwMtL3sr/>. Acesso em: 03 maio 2023.