Kinetics of phenotypic and functional changes in mouse models of sponge implants : rational selection to optimize protocols for specific biomolecules screening purposes.


The sponge implant has been applied as an important in vivo model for the study of inflammatory processes as it induces the migration, proliferation, and accumulation of inflammatory cells, angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix deposition in its trabeculae. The characterization of immune events in sponge implants would be useful in identifying the immunological events that could support the selection of an appropriate experimental model (mouse strain) and time post-implant analysis in optimized protocols for novel applications of this model such as in biomolecules screening. Here, the changes in histological/morphometric, immunophenotypic and functional features of infiltrating leukocytes (LEU) were assessed in sponge implants for Swiss, BALB/c, and C57BL/6 mice. A gradual increase of fibrovascular stroma and a progressive decrease in LEU infiltration, mainly composed of polymorphonuclear cells with progressive shift toward mononuclear cells at late time-points were observed over time. Usually, Swiss mice presented a more prominent immune response with late mixed pattern (pro-inflammatory/anti-inflammatory: IL-2/IFN-γ/IL-4/IL-10/IL-17) of cytokine production. While BALB/c mice showed an early activation of the innate response with a controlled cytokine profile (low inflammatory potential), C57BL/6 mice presented a typical early pro-inflammatory (IL-6/TNF/IFN-γ) response with persistent neutrophilic involvement. A rational selection of the ideal time-point/mouse-lineage would avoid bias or tendentious results. Criteria such as low number of increased biomarkers, no recruitment of cytotoxic response, minor cytokine production, and lower biomarker connectivity (described as biomarker signature analysis and network analysis) guided the choice of the best time-point for each model (Day5/Swiss; Day7/BALB/c; Day6/C57BL/6) with wide application for screening purposes, such as identification of therapeutic biomolecules, selection of antigens/adjuvants, and follow-up of innate and adaptive immune response to vaccines candidates.



Dynamics of phenotypic and functional features, Immunophenotyping, Cytokines


LANNA, M. F. et al. Kinetics of phenotypic and functional changes in mouse models of sponge implants: rational selection to optimize protocols for specific biomolecules screening purposes. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, v. 8, p. 538203e, dez. 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2021.



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