Can high rate algal ponds be used as post-treatment of UASB reactors to remove micropollutants?

The present study evaluated the removal capacity of a UASB-HRAP treatment system, combining anaerobic and microalgae-based, aerobic treatment, for eleven organic micropollutants present in raw sewage, including pharmaceuticals, estrogens and xenoestrogens. The UASB reactor and the HRAP were operated at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 7 h and 8 days, respectively. Influent and effluent samples from the UASB and HRAP were collected periodically. All the target compounds were detected in raw sewage, with an occurrence ranging from 70 to 100%. Removal rates in the UASB reactor were generally incomplete, ranging from no removal (25.12% for the hormone EE2-ethinylestradiol) to 84.91% (E2 - estradiol). However, the overall performance of the UASB þ HRAP system was highly efficient for the majority of the compounds, with removal rates ranging from 64.8% (ibuprofen) to 95% (estrone). Gemfibrozil and bisphenol A were the only exceptions, with overall removal rates of 39% and 43%, respectively. Hormones were the compounds with the highest removal rates in the system.
Endocrine disruptors, High rate algal ponds, Pharmaceuticals, Sewage
CASTRO, L. V. de et al. Can high rate algal ponds be used as post-treatment of UASB reactors to remove micropollutants? Chemosphere, v. 248, artigo 125969, 2020. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2021.