TcI, TcII and TcVI Trypanosoma cruzi samples from Chagas diseasepatients with distinct clinical forms and critical analysis of in vitro andin vivo behavior, response to treatment and infection evolution inmurine model.

dc.contributor.authorOliveira, Maykon Tavares de
dc.contributor.authorBranquinho, Renata Tupinambá
dc.contributor.authorAlessio, Glaucia Diniz
dc.contributor.authorMello, Carlos Geraldo Campos de
dc.contributor.authorPaiva, Nívia Carolina Nogueira de
dc.contributor.authorCarneiro, Cláudia Martins
dc.contributor.authorToledo, Max Jean de Ornelas
dc.contributor.authorReis, Alexandre Barbosa
dc.contributor.authorMartins Filho, Olindo Assis
dc.contributor.authorLana, Marta de
dc.description.abstracttThe clonal evolution of Trypanosoma cruzi sustains scientifically the hypothesis of association betweenparasite’s genetic, biological behavior and possibly the clinical aspects of Chagas disease in patientsfrom whom they were isolated. This study intended to characterize a range of biological properties ofTcI, TcII and TcVI T. cruzi samples in order to verify the existence of these associations. Several biologicalfeatures were evaluated, including in vitro epimastigote-growth, “Vero”cells infectivity and growth, alongwith in vivo studies of parasitemia, polymorphism of trypomastigotes, cardiac inflammation, fibrosis andresponse to treatment by nifurtimox during the acute and chronic murine infection. The global resultsshowed that the in vitro essays (acellular and cellular cultures) TcII parasites showed higher values for allparameters (growth and infectivity) than TcVI, followed by TcI. In vivo TcII parasites were more virulentand originated from patients with severe disease. Two TcII isolates from patients with severe pathologywere virulent in mice, while the isolate from a patient with the indeterminate form of the disease causedmild infection. The only TcVI sample, which displayed low values in all parameters evaluated, was alsooriginated of an indeterminate case of Chagas disease. Response to nifurtimox was not associated toparasite genetic and biology, as well as to clinical aspects of human disease. Although few number of T.cruzi samples have been analyzed, a discreet correlation between parasite genetics, biological behaviorin vitro and in vivo (murine model) and the clinical form of human disease from whom the samples wereisolated was verified.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationOLIVEIRA, M. T. de et al. TcI, TcII and TcVI Trypanosoma cruzi samples from Chagas diseasepatients with distinct clinical forms and critical analysis of in vitro andin vivo behavior, response to treatment and infection evolution inmurine model. Acta Tropica, v. 167, p. 108-120, 2017. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 29 ago. 2017.pt_BR
dc.rights.licenseO periódico Acta Tropica concede permissão para depósito deste artigo no Repositório Institucional da UFOP. Número da licença: 4178330534616.pt_BR
dc.subjectBiological characteristicspt_BR
dc.subjectDrug responsept_BR
dc.subjectHuman disease clinical formspt_BR
dc.titleTcI, TcII and TcVI Trypanosoma cruzi samples from Chagas diseasepatients with distinct clinical forms and critical analysis of in vitro andin vivo behavior, response to treatment and infection evolution inmurine model.pt_BR
dc.typeArtigo publicado em periodicopt_BR
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