Significant changes in water pCO2 caused by turbulence from waterfalls.

tInland waters are sites of intense carbon processing, stocking and transport. We examined the influenceof waterfall-turbulence on CO2partial pressures (pCO2) before and after waterfalls in a tropical river.The results indicated a 51.4% decrease of pCO2from up (1375 ± 320 ppm) to downriver (655 ± 58 ppm),suggesting an unaccounted degassing promoted by waterfall-turbulence. This process needs to be betterunderstood in order to more accurately determine the role of freshwater environments in the globalcarbon balance.
Carbon dioxide, Outgassing, Waterfalls, Rivera
LEIBOWITZ, Z. W. et al. Significant changes in water pCO2 caused by turbulence from waterfalls. Limnologica, Jena, v. 62, p. 1-4, 2017. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 ago. 2017.