Intensity of official futsal matches.

The purpose of this study was to assess the intensity of official Futsal matches, expressed in different ways. Fourteen male professional Futsal players from a First Division Brazilian team volunteered to participate in this study. Maximal oxygen uptake (_ VO2max) and the heart hate (HR) and oxygen uptake (_VO2) correlation were determined for each player. The match intensity was estimated from the players’ average HR measured during 13 National Futsal League matches. The HR measurements were obtained while the players were in the court but the values recorded while the players were sitting on the bench were not considered. In addition, these HR values were used to estimate the intensity of the effort expressed as a percentage of the maximal HR (%HRmax), percentage of _ VO2max (%_VO2max), kilocalories per minute (kcal min21), and total caloric expenditure. The mean intensity of the matches was 86.4 6 3.8%HRmax, 79.269.0%_ VO2max, 18.062.2 kcal min21, and 31369.3 kcal. It was concluded that official Futsal matches have high intensity when expressed in the different ways used in this study. The information provided by this research can be used for planning the athletes’ workouts, diets, and resting periods.
Heart rate, Indoor soccer, Energy expenditure
RODRIGUES, V de M. et al. Intensity of official futsal matches. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, v. 25, p. 2482-2487, 2011. Disponível em:<> . Acesso em: 16 jun. 2017.