Caracterização da mistura de resíduos de granito e escória de aciaria LD.
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Esse trabalho estuda a viabilidade técnica do aproveitamento de resíduo proveniente do corte de granito para ajustar a basicidade (relação CaO/SiO2) da escória de aciaria LD, visando a sua utilização na fabricação de cimento Portland. Para isso, foram realizadas a caracterização química dos resíduos e a sua mistura e fusão, a fim de se obter uma relação CaO/SiO2 em torno de 0,9 e 1,2. As misturas fundidas foram resfriadas em água e ao forno. Nas amostras resfriadas em água, após uma análise por difratometria de raios X, constatou-se que estas se apresentaram, predominantemente, amorfas. Para as amostras resfriadas ao forno, que se apresentaram cristalinas, observou-se a presença das fases mineralógicas Akermanita e Gehlenita, as quais são consideradas como as fases mineralógicas ideais para a atividade hidráulica das escórias. Esses resultados permitem concluir que o ajuste da basicidade da escória de aciaria LD através da adição de resíduo de granito mostrou-se eficiente, indicando a sua viabilidade técnica para a fabricação de cimento Portland. __________________________________________________________________________________________
ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the technical feasibility of the utilization of waste from the cutting of granite to adjust the chemical composition of slag from steelworks LD, targeting the addition of clinker Portland cement. For this, chemical characterization of the waste, its mixture and fusion was performed, obtaining a CaO/SiO2 relationship of around 0.9 to 1.2 for the steelworks slag. We selected samples of the waste, mixed, melted and cooled in water and in the oven. Samples cooled in water, after examining with X-ray difractrograms, had been predominantly amorphous. For samples cooled in the furnace, which had vitreous, there was the presence of mineralogical phases Akermanita and Gehlenita, which is considered as the ideal stage for the mineral water activity of the slag. The adjustment of the chemical composition of the slag from steel works by the addition of waste granite was efficient, transforming the waste into a product that is the same as blast furnace slag and can be used in the manufacture of cement.
ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the technical feasibility of the utilization of waste from the cutting of granite to adjust the chemical composition of slag from steelworks LD, targeting the addition of clinker Portland cement. For this, chemical characterization of the waste, its mixture and fusion was performed, obtaining a CaO/SiO2 relationship of around 0.9 to 1.2 for the steelworks slag. We selected samples of the waste, mixed, melted and cooled in water and in the oven. Samples cooled in water, after examining with X-ray difractrograms, had been predominantly amorphous. For samples cooled in the furnace, which had vitreous, there was the presence of mineralogical phases Akermanita and Gehlenita, which is considered as the ideal stage for the mineral water activity of the slag. The adjustment of the chemical composition of the slag from steel works by the addition of waste granite was efficient, transforming the waste into a product that is the same as blast furnace slag and can be used in the manufacture of cement.
Escória de aciaria LD, Residue of granite, Cimento Portland
PINTO JUNIOR, L. A. B. et al. Caracterização da mistura de resíduos de granito e escória de aciaria LD. Revista Escola de Minas, v. 64, p. 169-174, 2011. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 09 mar. 2015.