Control of flexible manufacturing systems under model uncertainty using supervisory control theory and evolutionary computation schedule synthesis.

A new approach for the problem of optimal task scheduling in flexible manufacturing systems is proposed in this work, as a combination of metaheuristic optimization techniques with the supervisory control theory of discrete-event systems. A specific encoding, the word-shuffling encoding, which avoids the generation of a large number of infeasible sequences, is employed. A metaheuristic method based on a Variable Neighborhood Search is then built using such an encoding. The optimization algorithm performs the search for the optimal schedules, while the supervisory control has the role of codifying all the problem constraints, allowing an efficient feasibility correction procedure, and avoiding schedules that are sensitive to uncertainties in the execution times associated with the plant operation. In this way, the proposed methodology achieves a system performance which is typical from model-predictive scheduling, combined with the robustness which is required from a structural control.
Scheduling, Optimization, Metaheuristics, Supervisory control theory, Discrete event systems
PENA, P. N. et al. Control of flexible manufacturing systems under model uncertainty using supervisory control theory and evolutionary computation schedule synthesis. Information Sciences, v. 329, p. 491-502, 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 jul. 2016.