Characterization of metallurgical coke produced with coal mixtures and waste tires.

The use of scrap tires in the coal blends is an alternative to reduction of coke production costs as well as mitigates the impact caused by tire accumulation in the environment. Tests were carried out on a pilot scale, with coal blends and waste tire in 4 levels and 3 particle sizes, in order to assess the impact on the produced coke quality, especially on the Strength after Reaction with CO2 - CSR and Drum Index (DI150-15). In addition, it evaluated the mechanical resistance to compression, punctual chemical composition by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis beyond the carbonaceous matrix-tire interface by SEM microscopy. The results from the coking tests showed that addition of up to 3% of the average ground tire (20-30mm) with steel mesh, raised either as CSR DI150-15, making feasible added also from a technical point of view.
Coke, Coal, Resistance, Waste Tire
SILVA, G. I. R. da et al. Characterization of metallurgical coke produced with coal mixtures and waste tires. Materials Research, v. 19, p. 728-734, 2016. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 29 set. 2017.