DEMSC - Departamento de Medicina de Família, Saúde Mental e Coletiva

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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    Spotted fever group rickettsia in small rodents from areas of low endemicity for brazilian spotted fever in the eastern region of Minas Gerais state, Brazil.
    (2013) Milagres, Bruno Silva; Padilha, Amanda de Freitas; Montandon, Carlos Emmanuel; Freitas, Renata Nascimento de; Pacheco, Richard de Campos; Walker, David Hughes; Labruna, Marcelo Bahia; Mafra, Cláudio Lísias; Galvão, Márcio Antônio Moreira
    We investigated the humoral immune response against different species of Rickettsia in serum samples from small rodents collected in two areas of a silent focus for Brazilian spotted fever in the eastern region of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Sera samples were analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence assay using antigens from Rickettsia species of the spotted fever, ancestral, and transition groups. Titers ³ 1:64 were considered positive. In Santa Cruz do Escalvado, 94% (30 of 32) of the samples collected from Rattus rattus, 22% (5 of 23) from Nectomys squamipes, and 80% (4 of 5) from Akodon sp., reacted by indirect immunofluorescence assay with Rickettsia antigens of the spotted fever group. In the municipality of Pingo D’A´ gua, 84% (26 of 31) of the samples collected from R. rattus, 86% (6 of 7) of the samples from Oryzomys subflavus, 86% (6 of 7) from N. squamipes, and 100% (1 of 1) from Bolomys sp. contained antibodies that reacted with rickettsial antigens of the spotted fever group. These results demonstrated the previous exposure of small rodents to spotted fever group Rickettsia, suggesting the participation of these animals in the natural history of these rickettsiae in this region.
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    First report of Ehrlichia ewingii detected by molecular investigation in dogs from Brazil.
    (2009) Oliveira, Luciana Souza de; Oliveira, Karla Andrade de; Pescatore, A. M.; Lamëgo, Márcia Rogéria de Almeida; Conceição, Lissandro Gonçalves; Galvão, Márcio Antônio Moreira; Siqueira, Cláudio Lísias Mafra de
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    Rickettsiosis of the genus rickettsia in South America.
    (2003) Galvão, Márcio Antônio Moreira; Mafra, Cláudio Lísias; Moron, Cecília; Anaya, Elisabeth; Walker, David Hughes
    In South America, human cases of infection by the genus Rickettsia have been described in several countries in the last twenty years. The role of international organizations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA and the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Tropical Diseases at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Texas, USA, was very important in the last twenty years for the development of surveillance systems and for the increase in notification of rickettsial diseases by the countries of South America. We hope that the next goal will be prevention and control of rickettsial diseases in the countries of South America, as well as maintaining the programs developed during the last twenty years, so that a good health system and improved social conditions will be possible.
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    Rickettsia in synanthropic and domestic animals and in their host from two areas of low endemicity for Brazilian spotted fever, in the eastern region of Minas Gerais state, Brazil.
    (2010) Milagres, Bruno Silva; Padilha, Amanda de Freitas; Gabriel G. Gomes; Montandon, Carlos Emmanuel; Pena, Dárlen Crísthiê Hermelinda; Bastos, Fernanda Aparecida Nieri; Silveira, Iara; Pacheco, Richard de Campos; Labruna, Marcelo Bahia; Bouyer, Donald H.; Freitas, Renata Nascimento de; Walker, David Hughes; Mafra, Cláudio Lísias; Galvão, Márcio Antônio Moreira
    The aim of this study was to understand the current epidemiology of rickettsial diseases in two rickettsialendemic regions in Brazil. In the municipalities of Pingo D’Agua and Santa Cruz do Escalvado, among serum samples obtained from horses and dogs, reactivity by immunofluorescent assay against spotted fever group rickettsiae was verified. In some serum samples from opossums ( Didelphis aurita ) captured in Santa Cruz do Escalvado, serologic response against rickettsiae was also verified. Polymerase chain reaction identified rickettsiae only in ticks and fleas obtained in Santa Cruz do Escalvado. Rickettsiae in samples had 100% sequence homology with Rickettsia felis . These results highlight the importance of marsupials in maintenance of the sylvatic cycle of rickettsial disease and potential integration with the domestic cycle. Our data also support the importance of horses and dogs as sentinels in monitoring circulation of rickettsiae in an urban area.
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    Prevalence of antibodies to spotted fever group rickettsiae in humans and domestic animals in a brazilian spotted fever−endemic area in the state of São Paulo, Brazil : serologic evidence for infection by Rickettsia rickettsii and another spotted fever group rickettsia.
    (2004) Horta, Maurício Cláudio; Labruna, Marcelo Bahia; Sangioni, Luis Antônio; Vianna, Manoella Campostrini Barreto; Gennari, Solange Maria; Galvão, Márcio Antônio Moreira; Mafra, Cláudio Lísias; Vidotto, Odilon; Schumaker, Teresinha T. S.; Walker, David Hughes
    In serum samples obtained from all the healthy humans, horses, dogs, and donkeys present on three farms in the Pedreira Municipality, an endemic area for Brazilian spotted fever, an indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) detected antibodies against Rickettsia rickettsii in 17 (77.3%) horses, 5 (31.3%) dogs (titers ranging from 64 to 4,048), and none of 4 donkeys or 50 humans. Five canine and eight equine sera with high antibody titers to R. rickettsii were also tested by IFA against R. bellii, R. akari, and R. africae antigens. Sera from two horses and two dogs that showed similar high antibody titers against two rickettsial antigens were evaluated after cross-absorption. Sera from seven horses and two dogs contained antibodies specific for R. rickettsii, and one dog serum had antibodies against a Rickettsia species very closely related to R. africae. The latter may have been caused by infection with the recently identified COOPERI strain.
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    Revisiting Brazilian spotted fever focus of Caratinga, Minas Gerais state, Brazil.
    (2006) Galvão, Márcio Antônio Moreira; Cardoso, Luciane Daniele; Mafra, Cláudio Lísias; Calic, Simone Berger; Walker, David Hughes
    We revisited a Brazilian spotted fever focal area in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, in 2002, and performed a serologic survey in dogs and cats. The results of this survey are compared with the survey made 10 years before. The possible efficacy of vector control measures adopted in this area and the role of dogs and horses as sentinels of infection by Rickettsia are discussed.
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    Rickettsia felis in the Americas.
    (2006) Galvão, Márcio Antônio Moreira; Zavala Velazquez, Jorge Ernesto; Calic, Simone Berger; Walker, David Hughes
    The authors describe their work in the Americas in Rickettsia felis cases in humans and the presence of Rickettsia felis in vectors.
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    Old and new human rickettsiosis in Minas Gerais state, Brazil.
    (2005) Calic, Simone Berger; Rocha, Christiane Maria Barcellos Magalhães da; Leite, Romário Cerqueira; Mafra, Cláudio Lísias; Galvão, Márcio Antônio Moreira
    The authors describe cases of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF) diagnosed in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, by the Minas Gerais Public Health Laboratory, Ezequiel Dias Foundation from 1995 to 2004. In addition they present three cases of human Rickettsia felis rickettsiosis from Minas Gerais diagnosed in France in 1999, and the first two suspected cases of human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) diagnosed in Ezequiel Dias Foundation in 2001. In both cases a differential diagnose was made with BSF.
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    Brazilian spotted fever in Caratinga, Minas Gerais.
    (2014) Galvão, Márcio Antônio Moreira; Siqueira, Cláudio Lísias Mafra de; Freitas, Renata Nascimento de; Cardoso, Luciane Daniele; Padilha, Amanda de Freitas; Barros, Edvaldo
    Introdução: a Ordem Rickettsiales abriga um grupo de parasitas intracelulares obrigatorios, responsaveis por causar doencas conhecidas como riquetsioses. No Brasil, a riquetsiose mais comum e a febre maculosa brasileira (FMB). Objetivos: determinar o nivel de endemicidade para a FMB no municipio de Caratinga, Minas Gerais, em diferentes momentos epidemiologicos. Métodos: inqueritos epidemiológico e sorologico em moradores dos bairros mais afetados pelo surto de FMB de 1992 e sorologico em animais domesticos; alem de sorologico em animais domesticos e reacao em cadeia de polimerase em artropodes vetores coletados em nova visita ao foco em 2002. Resultados: no primeiro inquerito epidemiologico realizado em 1992, 62,3% das familias pesquisadas relataram contato com pastos. No inquerito sorológico em humanos, 2,1% das amostras testadas apresentaram reatividade para Rickettsia rickettsii a reacao de imunofluorescencia indireta (RIFI). No inquerito sorológico em animais, realizado em 1993, 53,4% dos equinos e 25,0% dos caes foram reativos para R. Rickettsii a RIFI. Em nova visita ao foco, no periodo de 2002-2003, 13,4% dos pools de DNA dos artropodes examinados e 17,0% dos soros equinos demonstraram resultados positivos para R. rickettsii. Conclusões: o municipio de Caratinga pode ser considerado, no momento, area de baixa transmissao, permanecendo a reco mendacao de se manter ativo o sistema de vigilância epidemiologica e acarologica no local e regiao.
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    Evidence of Borrelia in wild and domestic mammals from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
    (2014) Montandon, Carlos Emmanuel; Yoshinari, Natalino Hajime; Milagres, Bruno Silva; Barcelos, Rafael Mazioli; Gomes, Gabriel Guimarães; Moreira, Higo Nasser; Padilha, Amanda de Freitas; Wanderley, Guido Gomes; Mantovani, Elenice; Galvão, Márcio Antônio Moreira; Langoni, Helio; Mafra, Cláudio Lísias
    O principal objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a presença de infecção por Borrelia burgdorferi em vertebrados domésticos e silvestres e ectoparasitas em áreas endêmicas do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Um total de 445 amostras de soro foram examinadas por ELISA, onde usou-se a cepa americana G39/40 de Borrelia burgdorferi e 3.821 amostras de carrapatos foram testados pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). Anticorpos anti -B. burgdorferi foram encontrados em 30 amostras de soro (6,74%); três marsupiais (7,69%), três em roedores (2,80%), em nove cães (6,25%) e 15 em cavalos (9,68%). Nested-PCR realizada em amostras de DNA obtidas a partir de carrapatos coletados demonstraram resultados negativos. Apesar das tentativas para amplificar o DNA de B. burgdorferi a partir de carrapatos não tenha sido bem sucedido, a presença de soroatividade em vertebrados sugere a possibilidade de espécies de Borrelia circulando nestas regiões. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para fornecer informações sobre a presença de Borrelia em território brasileiro e sua associação com a Síndrome de Baggio-Yoshinari.