EM - Escola de Minas

URI permanente desta comunidadehttp://www.hml.repositorio.ufop.br/handle/123456789/6


A Escola de Minas de Ouro Preto foi fundada pelo cientista Claude Henri Gorceix e inaugurada em 12 de outubro de 1876.


Resultados da Pesquisa

Agora exibindo 1 - 9 de 9
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    Geological sample preparation evaluations by EBSD pattern quality.
    (2011) Silva, Gilberto Henrique Tavares Álvares da; Lagoeiro, Leonardo Evangelista; Barbosa, Paola Ferreira
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    Magnetite-hematite transformation : correlation between natural and synthetic features.
    (2014) Barbosa, Paola Ferreira; Lagoeiro, Leonardo Evangelista; Cipriano, Ricardo Augusto Scholz; Graça, Leonardo Martins; Mohallem, Nelcy Della Santina
    The iron-oxide system can be used as a marker of oxidized and reduced conditions in closed systems. However, natural rocks with iron oxide minerals also exhibit such reactions, although the natural system is typically open. To understand the behaviour of this natural system, some similarities were investigated, in terms of crystallographic textures, between the microstructures of two systems: natural open system and synthetic closed system of iron oxide phase transformation. Particular cases of phase transformation in iron oxide minerals, described as natural reactions of magnetite to hematite and synthetic reactions of hematite to magnetite, were chosen. It is observed, in both scenarios, that the transformation obeys the topotaxial and epitaxial relationship, which are well described for the iron oxide system. However, in natural open systems, the precipitation of a new phase during the in situ transformation modifies the microstructures and must be taken into account as an important factor to describe them.
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    Electron Backscattering Diffraction (EBSD) as a tool to evaluate the topotactic and epitactic growth of minerals : the example of the magnetite and hematite.
    (2011) Barbosa, Paola Ferreira; Lagoeiro, Leonardo Evangelista; Cipriano, Ricardo Augusto Scholz; Graça, Leonardo Martins; Silva, Gilberto Henrique Tavares Álvares da
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    Crystallographic texture of the magnetite-hematite transformation : evidence for topotactic relationships in natural samples from Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil.
    (2009) Barbosa, Paola Ferreira; Lagoeiro, Leonardo Evangelista
    The transformation of magnetite to hematite is described and analyzed in three natural samples of banded iron formation, from Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil. In each sample, a particular microstructure related to the transformation process is described. In the first, magnetite crystals are large and euhedral, and they display the beginning of the transformation into hematite. In the second sample, a relict crystal of magnetite was found and the fabric of the transformed hematite was evaluated. In the last sample, the foliation was the main observed structure and the correlations of magnetite and hematite lattices were measured. All the microstructures were analyzed in a scanning electron microscope equipped with a detector for electron backscatter diffraction allowing the complete analysis of crystallographic orientations of hematite and magnetite on a local scale. The results show that the orientations of the basal planes of hematite coincide with the orientations of the octahedral planes of magnetite, indicating that the hematite crystals are a direct product from the magnetite transformation.
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    Sheared-bedding parallel quartz vein as an indicator of deformation processes.
    (2012) Barbosa, Paola Ferreira; Lagoeiro, Leonardo Evangelista
    Monomineralic veins are well known as good recording of filling and precipitation processes. However, they are also able to register the action of deformation in rocks. We used monomineralic, quartz veins from Quadriláterro Ferrífero, Brazil, to represent how the deformation actuated during the transformation of different structures. They were analyzed using a combination of a u-stage and EBSD. Two main types of quartz aggregates are distinguished: single crystals with subgrain development and strain-free grains of quartz. We interpret the microstructures and textures as the result of a combination of concurrent crystal plasticity, microfracturing, solution transfer and recrystallization. The single quartz grains were deformed by dislocation glide. However, as the c-axis orientation of the grain was not favorable for further glide on basal planes, the deformation was accommodated by microfracturing. New grains were formed along the deformed zones with crystallographic orientations suitable for gliding on basal planes. As the deformation proceeded, the new grains continue to develop until the vein was completely recrystallized into an aggregate of granular grains.
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    Investigação dos processos formadores de bandamento composicional em formações ferríferas do Quadrilátero Ferrífero.
    (2012) Barbosa, Paola Ferreira
    O debate sobre a origem do bandamento das formações-ferríferas sempre se centrou no modelo de deposição sedimentar atribuído a cada uma delas. No entanto, em terrenos bastante deformados e metamorfizados como o Quadrilátero Ferrífero, a alternância entre bandas ricas em óxidos de ferro e bandas ricas em quartzo não mais retém um elo irreprochável somente com o processo sedimentar anterior. Dessa forma, seria mais óbvio que se estudasse o bandamento composicional das formações ferríferas do Quadrilátero Ferrífero como o resultado de um processo também deformacional, e não somente sedimentar. Assim, diferentes microestruturas representantes da evolução do bandamento das formações-ferríferas foram texturalmente analisadas. Tanto métodos óticos (platina universal, polarizadores giratórios) quanto eletrônicos (difração de elétrons retro-espalhados) de análises texturais e cristalográficas serviram de base para a observação dessas microestruturas. Foram escolhidos veios de quartzo como representantes de bandas silicosas; grãos de magnetita parcialmente transformados em hematita relacionados às bandas predominantemente ferruginosas e sombras de pressão de quartzo em volta de grãos de óxido de ferro refletindo camadas mais ou menos equilibradas composicionalmente entre óxidos de ferro e quartzo. Como o vestígio das estruturas sedimentares é raramente observado nessas rochas do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, não se estabeleceu a contribuição do estado sin- a pós-diagenético da rocha para a geração das microestruturas registradas. Portanto, esse estudo textural evidenciou que o bandamento composicional das formações-ferríferas do Quadrilátero Ferrífero observado hoje é proporcional à atuação de diversos mecanismos de deformação (e.g. dissolução-precipitação, recristalização, cristalização), em diferentes intensidades, com ou sem participação de fluidos.
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    Complex fringes around magnetite porphyroclasts : growth and deformation history.
    (2011) Lagoeiro, Leonardo Evangelista; Barbosa, Paola Ferreira; Fueten, Frank
    Deformed strain fringes in iron formation rocks show complex quartz fiber patterns that grew alongside magnetite porphyroclasts embedded in a matrix of quartz and iron oxides during coaxial to non-coaxial deformation. These rocks have been deformed by a combination of processes involving microfracturing, pressure solution and dislocation glide at temperatures of approximately 300 °C. Detailed microstructural observation and crystallographic analysis show that quartz fiber growth is not controlled by the crystal faces. Quartz c-axis orientations of fibrous quartz indicate that these grains initially grew with their c-axes paralle to the fiber length. Late solid-state deformation of crystallized fibers comprised dislocation glide along basal plane and subsequent recrystallization. This produces aggregates of recrystallized grains consisting of equant to elongated quartz grains with straight and orthogonal grain boundaries.
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    Nucleation and growth of new grains in recrystallized quartz vein : an example from banded iron formation in Iron Quadrangle, Brazil.
    (2010) Lagoeiro, Leonardo Evangelista; Barbosa, Paola Ferreira
    Intracrystalline microcracks developed in quartz single crystals deformed in greenschist metamorphic conditions. A detailed study of samples collected in tabular to lens shape quartz vein was carried out to investigate how the microcracks initiated and how the microstructures evolved with the progressive deformation. A combination of light and EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction) techniques was used to analyze the microstructures and determine the crystallographic orientation of quartz grains. The crystallographic orientations of microcracks indicate that they might have initiated parallel to the direction of one of the rhombohedral planes of the host crystals. It is suggested that new grains nucleated by rotation of broken fragments from the host grains. c-axes the of host are distributed in a small-circle close to the foliation plane while the c-axes of the new grains in microcracks are more scattered when compared with the host orientations. New grains grew with their c-axes approximately perpendicular to the shortening direction.
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    Caracterização microestrutural e textural de agregados de magnetita do Quadrilátero Ferrífero.
    (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Evolução Crustal e Recursos Naturais. Departamento de Geologia. Escola de Minas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto., 2009) Barbosa, Paola Ferreira; Lagoeiro, Leonardo Evangelista
    As amostras estudadas contêm magnetita. Elas provêm do rochas de formações ferríferas da região Quadrilátero Ferrífero, sudeste do Brazil. A transformação da magnetita e da hematita das formações ferríferas pode ser considerada como um sistema Fe-O. As amostras dessas rochas foram cuidadosamente selecionadas onde cristais de magnetita ocorrem como grandes cristais isolados imersos numa matriz de grãos de hematita. Um microscópio ótico e um microscópio eletrônico equipado com um sistema de EBSD (Electron Backscattering Diffractometer) foram usados para investigar a relação microestrutural e cristalográfica envolvida na transformação de fase magnetita-hematita. A transformação ocorre ao longo dos planos cristalográficos {111} produzindo um padrão triangular de faixas cruzadas de cristais de hematita transformada orientadas segundo {111}. Análises de EBSD dos cristais de magnetita e da hematita transformada mostram que a magnetita e os novos cristais de hematita compartilham planos cristalográficos de maior densidade, por exemplo {111} e (0001), respectivamente, possivelmente devido ao arranjo atômico CCP e HCP dos dois cristais. Dessa forma, quando polos desses dois planos são plotados no estereograma,seus máximos coincidem. Embora a orientação cristalográfica dos cristais de hematita da matriz mostrem máximos de (0001) que não coincidem com aqueles dos planos {111} da magnetita. Consequentemente, conclui-se que a transformação direta de cristais de hematita carregam a memória da orientação cristalográfica dos cristais antigos de magnetita, possivelmente devido à maneira similar com a qual os átomos estão empacotados na estrutura do cristal. Por outro lado, nenhuma relação é observada entre os cristais de magnetita e de hematita que se encontram na matriz. Isso sugere que os grãos de hematita na matriz podem ter sido formados por outros processos além daqueles envolvidos na transformação dos óxidos de ferro observados dentro dos grãos de magnetita.