DEGEO - Departamento de Geologia

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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    The Cenozoic deposits of the ancient landscapes of Quadrilátero Ferrífero highlands, Southeastern Brazil : sedimentation, pedogenesis and landscape evolution.
    (2020) Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Mateus, Ana Carolina Campos; Santos, Maria do Carmo; Varajão, César Augusto Chicarino; Oliveira, Fabio Soares; Yvon, Jacques
    The Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF), Southeastern Brazil, is a very important tropical highland region in the world’s geological context for its large and diverse Archean and Proterozoic rocks with great reserves of gold, iron, manganese, aluminum and industrial rocks, on a apparently stable geological structure. There, Cenozoic deposits perched on highland valleys show unclear genetic relationships with the underlying bedrock, with no apparent regional correlation. We studied five representative Cenozoic deposits (BR356, Água Limpa, Padre Domingos, Pau Branco and Casa de Pedra) on the highlands of the Serra da Moeda syncline, Western QF, to answer the question of their sedimentological origin, and investigate their pedological evolution. Field sampling was complemented by macromorphological, mineralogical and micromorphological analysis supported by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential thermal analysis (DTA), infrared analysis (IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), micropobre and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The evolution of these isolated highland de- posits comprises a deep-weathered source area, a tectonic activity, besides sedimentological and pedological processes, during and after the deposition. The deposits overlie deep saprolites of Precambrian rocks (Piracicaba and Itabira Groups), representing unconformable contact. The onset of the deposition was marked by torrential, coarse colluvial and large blocks landslides into the small basins generated by reactivating tectonic events during the Oligocene, producing local grabens. These tectonic basins were filled by cohesive debris and mudflow from the adjacent and previously laterized cover, developed under the hot and humid climate in the Eocene. The cover reveals an upside-down lateritic profile where morphology and kaolinite crystal properties (values of size of coherent scattering thickness ranging from 135 Å to 162 Å) in the bottom is related to the pedolith horizons of the former lateritic cover. Later, due to climate changes (during and after the Miocene), renewed weathering on these pre-weathered sediments occurred, characterized by alternating ferruginization and Fe-losses, with the superimposed generation of new pedogenic features such as nodules, ferruginous duricrusts and mottling (redox features). In addition to demonstrating that the Brazilian platform was not stable during the Cenozoic, these deposits reveal the role of polygenetic tropical pedological processes in their formation and transformation.
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    Genesis of soils from bauxite in southeastern Brazil : resilication as a soil-forming process.
    (2017) Mateus, Ana Carolina Campos; Oliveira, Fábio Soares de; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Soares, Caroline Cibele Vieira
    Pedological studies using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) showed a Xanthic Ferralsol formed from the degradation of bauxite on a slope in the Caparaó region, in southeastern Brazil. We found a decrease in the number and size of bauxite fragments toward the top of the profiles, bauxite fragments that were more degraded at the top of the profiles, transformation of gibbsite into kaolinite, and absolute enrichment in silicon in the mass balance. These indicators suggest that resilication could be the major process responsible for formation of the soil; detailed studies are needed to verify the origin of the silica. The reintroduction of silica into the system occurs by the biogeochemical cycling of vegetation and, in some cases, water table fluctuations, highlighting the role of resilication as a soil-forming process in bauxite-derived soils.
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    Gênese de depressões fechadas em vertentes associadas à couraça aluminosa na porção sul da Serra do Caparaó, Minas Gerais/Espirito Santo.
    (2016) Mateus, Ana Carolina Campos; Oliveira, Fábio Soares de; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Soares, Caroline Cibele Vieira; Schünemann, Adriano Luis
    A origem das depressões fechadas associadas à cobertura laterítica aluminosa nos topos dos morros e ao longo das vertentes na região de Espera Feliz, MG, divisa com Espírito Santo, foi pesquisada através de um levantamento geofísico da cobertura pedológica associado às análises morfológicas (macro e micro) de perfi s de solos. O levantamento geofísico por GPR, realizado em 2 seções ao longo de uma vertente, abrangeu duas depressões consecutivas e foi seguido do levantamento sistemático da cobertura pedológica por meio da abertura de 5 perfi s (N1, L1, L2, N2 e L3). Foram coletadas amostras deformadas para análises físicas, mineralógicas e químicas e amostras indeformadas para análise micromorfológica. No interior das depressões fechadas foi identifi cado o Neossolo Litólico húmico típico e entre as depressões ocorre o Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo distrófi co húmico. A análise lateral realizada pelo GPR e a interpretação conjunta dos atributos da cobertura revelam um sistema pedológico contínuo do topo a base da vertente. As diferenças morfológicas que levam a existência de distintas classes de solos traduzem, neste contexto, a evolução pedogeomorfológica da vertente e consequente gênese das depressões, o que teria ocorrido de maneira distinta ao modelo de subsidência por lixiviação geoquímica, mais amplamente conhecido. Dois momentos são reconhecidos: i) a origem de uma cobertura latossólica relacionada ao avanço vertical da degradação da bauxita e à bioturbação sob condições climáticas úmidas e ii) remoção de partes dessa cobertura em condições climáticas (possivelmente áridas) posteriores.
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    Sedimentation and pedogenic features in a clay deposit in Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
    (2004) Santos, Maria do Carmo; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino
    O depósito argiloso do Morro do Caxambu é produto de uma sedimentação Cenozoica sintectônica em um graben de direção NW/SE. Quatro fácies foram identificadas (fragmentária, nodular, maciça e friável) e suas diferenciações são relacionadas a processos gravitacionais de fluxo de massa. A fácies fragmentária é constituída por fragmentos extraclastos do embasamento local Paleoproterozoico e, por grãos quartzosos de granulometria areia dispersos em uma matriz de composição caulinitamuscovita-goethita-hematita. A facies nodular é formada por nódulos litoreliquiais e pedoreliquiais dispersos em uma matriz semelhante à da fácies fragmentária. A fácies maciça é constituída por grãos de quartzo disseminados em uma matriz caulinita-hematita e goethita com traços de muscovita. A fácies friável difere da fácies maciça por sua morfologia em canal, maior conteúdo em quartzo e caulinita e, pela presença de bolas milimétricas de argila. A fácies fragmentária foi depositada durante o estágio inicial de abertura da bacia. Em seguida, sob condições semi-áridas, o escorregamento de materiais lateríticos das encostas circunjacentes levou à formação das facies nodular e maciça. A facies friável foi originada do retrabalhamento dos sedimentos argilosos por fluxos unidirecionais. O aumento em caulinita em direção ao topo da sequência relaciona-se à ação da alteração superficial pósdeposicional.
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    Mineralogical, micromorphological and geochemical evolution of the facies from the bauxite deposit of Barro Alto, Central Brazil.
    (2013) Oliveira, Fábio Soares de; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Varajão, César Augusto Chicarino; Boulangé, Bruno; Soares, Caroline Cibele Vieira
    The hydrolytic alteration of anorthosite fromthe Barro Alto StratiformMafic–Ultramafic Complex (Central Brazil) caused the formation of an isalteritic bauxite. Petrological studies using X-ray diffraction (XRD),X-ray fluorescence (XRF), mass balance calculation and micromorphological description via optical microscopy were undertaken to understand the evolution of the bauxitic massif. The results suggest the transformation of the isalteritic bauxite (F1) into varied alteration facies and their filiations as follows: the formation of semi-compact massive bauxite (F2) and compact massive bauxite (F3) by the recrystallisation of gibbsite filing voids, resulting in enriched absolute aluminium (9 and 25%, respectively); the formation of laminar bauxite (F4) and fragmentary bauxite (F5), which is associated with different types of fragmented massive duricrust, such as those formed by mechanical (root activity, tectonics, etc.) and geochemical (dissolution of gibbsite, kaolinite neoformation, etc.) processes; the formation of palaeopediment bauxite (F6); the formation of degraded clay with gibbsitic nodules (F7), which is associated with the resilicification process by the oscillation of the water table caused by changes in the shapes of slopes and the cycling of silica by vegetation. Isalteritic clay (F8) facies directly derived fromthe anorthosite are also found. The relationship between the facies reflects the polygenetic evolution of the bauxitic massif.
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    Genesis of clayey bodies in Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
    (2004) Santos, Marcelo Cabral; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Yvon, Jacques
    This work deals with macromorphological, mineralogical, micromorphological and geochemical studies in clayey bodies from Quadrilátero Ferrı́fero in order to define their genesis and formation conditions in this geologic province from Minas Gerais State. Methodologies, based on the description of outcrops and drill cores, using X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential and gravimetric thermal analyses (DTA-TG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical analysis of thin sections and chemical analyses allowed for the definition of two different genetic types of clayey bodies. One type, SET 1, occurs upon saprolitic material from Paleoproterozoic rocks in unconformity contact. It is constituted, from the base to the top, by four facies: nodular, ferruginous kaolinitic, mottled kaolinitic, and massive kaolinitic. The origin of this set is related to the deposition of lateritic materials by gravitational process. The faciological differentiation of this set is related to the syn-depositional process and postdepositional mechanisms of ferruginization and deferruginization. The second type, SET 2, is composed by an ilmenitic–kaolinitic tabular facies in discordant relationships with the saprolite material from Paleoproterozoic rocks. The origin of this second set is related to “in situ” alteration of intrusive rocks of acidic composition.