DEGEO - Departamento de Geologia
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9 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Genesis of soils from bauxite in southeastern Brazil : resilication as a soil-forming process.(2017) Mateus, Ana Carolina Campos; Oliveira, Fábio Soares de; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Soares, Caroline Cibele VieiraPedological studies using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), optical microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) showed a Xanthic Ferralsol formed from the degradation of bauxite on a slope in the Caparaó region, in southeastern Brazil. We found a decrease in the number and size of bauxite fragments toward the top of the profiles, bauxite fragments that were more degraded at the top of the profiles, transformation of gibbsite into kaolinite, and absolute enrichment in silicon in the mass balance. These indicators suggest that resilication could be the major process responsible for formation of the soil; detailed studies are needed to verify the origin of the silica. The reintroduction of silica into the system occurs by the biogeochemical cycling of vegetation and, in some cases, water table fluctuations, highlighting the role of resilication as a soil-forming process in bauxite-derived soils.Item Mineralogical, micromorphological and geochemical evolution of the kaolin facies deposit from the Capim region (northern Brazil).(2007) Sousa, Daniel José Lima de; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Jacques, Yvon; Costa, Geraldo Magela daThe Capim Kaolin District (eastern Brazilian Amazon), is one of the largest kaolin deposits in the world; with the kaolin used mainly for paper coating. The kaolin developed at the expense of Cretaceous sandy-clayey sediments of the Ipixuna formation, through intense lateritization from the Mesozoic to Cenozoic times. This work describes the morphological, mineralogical, crystallochemical and geochemical evolution of the Capim kaolin facies. Based on the profile analysis in the open pit fronts, it encompasses X-ray diffraction, thin-section optical analysis, EDS-assisted scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, chemical analysis, infrared and Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopies. Six facies were defined as different stages of the supergene process. Ferruginization led to a thick duricrust on the soft kaolin, which in turn evolved from sandy-clayey sediments of the Ipixuna Formation. A subsequent deferruginization event degraded the duricrust, resulting in the flint kaolin facies.Item The relationships between kaolinite crystal properties and the origin of materials for a Brazilian kaolin deposit.(2001) Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Gilkes, Robert J.; Hart, Robert D.The clay particles in a kaolin deposit from Brazil were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential thermal analysis (DTA), analytical transmission electron microscopy (ATEM), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) to examine the relationships between morphological and chemical properties of the crystals and to relate these properties to formation conditions. The XRD patterns show the dominant presence of kaolinite with minor amounts of gibbsite, illite, quartz, goethite, hematite, and anatase. ATEM observations show two discontinuities in the deposit as indicated by changes in morphology and size of the kaolinite crystals. At the base of the deposit, hexagonal platy and lath-shaped particles (mean area of 001 face = 0.26 p,m 2) maintain the original fabric of the parent rock which characterizes an in situ evolution. In the middle of the deposit a bimodal population of large (mean area of 001 face > 0.05 ixm:) and small (mean area of 001 face < 0.05 p.m 2) sub-hexagonal platy kaolinite crystals occurs. This zone defines the boundary between the saprolitic kaolinite and the pedogenic kaolinite. Near the top of the profile, laths and irregular plates of kaolinite, together with sub-hexagonal particles, define two different depositional sources in the history of formation of the deposit. Crystal thickness as derived from the width of basal reflections and the Hinckley index are compatible with the morphological results, but show only one discontinuity. At the base of the deposit, kaolinite has a lowdefect density whereas in the middle and at the top of the profile, kaolinite has a high-defect density. Likewise, EPR spectroscopy shows typical spectra of low-defect kaolinite for the bottom of the deposit and typical spectra of high-defect kaolinite for the other portions of the deposit. Despite the morphological changes observed through the profile, the elemental composition of individual kaolinite crystals did not show systematic variations. These results are consistent with the deposit consisting of a transported pedogenic kaolinite over saprolite consisting of in situ kaolinized phyllite.Item A SEM, EDS and vibrational spectroscopic study of the clay mineral fraipontite.(2015) Theiss, Frederick L.; López, Andrés; Cipriano, Ricardo Augusto Scholz; Frost, Ray LeslieThe mineral fraipontite has been studied by using a combination of scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive analysis and vibrational spectroscopy (infrared and Raman). Fraipontite is a member of the 1:1 clay minerals of the kaolinite-serpentine group. The mineral contains Zn and Cu and is of formula (Cu,Zn,Al)3(Si,Al)2O5(OH)4. Qualitative chemical analysis of fraipontite shows an aluminium silicate mineral with amounts of Cu and Zn. This kaolinite type mineral has been characterised by Raman and infrared spectroscopy; in this way aspects about the molecular structure of fraipontite clay are elucidated.Item Sedimentation and pedogenic features in a clay deposit in Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil.(2004) Santos, Maria do Carmo; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond ChicarinoO depósito argiloso do Morro do Caxambu é produto de uma sedimentação Cenozoica sintectônica em um graben de direção NW/SE. Quatro fácies foram identificadas (fragmentária, nodular, maciça e friável) e suas diferenciações são relacionadas a processos gravitacionais de fluxo de massa. A fácies fragmentária é constituída por fragmentos extraclastos do embasamento local Paleoproterozoico e, por grãos quartzosos de granulometria areia dispersos em uma matriz de composição caulinitamuscovita-goethita-hematita. A facies nodular é formada por nódulos litoreliquiais e pedoreliquiais dispersos em uma matriz semelhante à da fácies fragmentária. A fácies maciça é constituída por grãos de quartzo disseminados em uma matriz caulinita-hematita e goethita com traços de muscovita. A fácies friável difere da fácies maciça por sua morfologia em canal, maior conteúdo em quartzo e caulinita e, pela presença de bolas milimétricas de argila. A fácies fragmentária foi depositada durante o estágio inicial de abertura da bacia. Em seguida, sob condições semi-áridas, o escorregamento de materiais lateríticos das encostas circunjacentes levou à formação das facies nodular e maciça. A facies friável foi originada do retrabalhamento dos sedimentos argilosos por fluxos unidirecionais. O aumento em caulinita em direção ao topo da sequência relaciona-se à ação da alteração superficial pósdeposicional.Item Estudo comparativo das argilas das olarias dos municípios de Alfenas e Areado, MG.(2012) Gaspar Junior, Lineo Aparecido; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Souza, Marcos Henrique de Oliveira; Moreno, Maria Margarita TorresOs horizontes pedológicos dos perfis de solos desenvolvidos a partir das rochas pré-cambrianas dos municípios de Alfenas, MG e Areado, MG assim como os sedimentos colúvio-aluvionares associados têm sido intensivamente utilizados para fins cerâmicos (em particular em olarias de tijolos) sem um estudo detalhado para racionalizar sua utilização na indústria cerâmica. Entretanto apesar da proximidade destes dois municípios, segundo antigos trabalhadores das olarias dessas regiões, as argilas do município de Areado têm apresentado qualidade superior às das argilas do município de Alfenas. Tal fato levou ao desenvolvimento do presente trabalho cujo objetivo foi comparar as propriedades mineralógicas (descrição macroscópica e difração de raios X), químicas (elementos maiores por fluorescência por raios X e análise de carbono orgânico) e tecnológicas (distribuição granulométrica de prensagem; granulometria a laser, módulo de ruptura à flexão; absorção de água, porosidade aparente; retração linear de queima; cor de queima, entre outros) das argilas destes dois municípios para se conhecer a matéria-prima dessas duas regiões de modo a desenvolver aplicações tecnológicas adequadas. A melhor qualidade da matéria prima originada do município de Areado (Grupo AR) é devida à maior presença de argilominerais como a caulinita, illita e esmectita associados a uma granulometria mais fina, que contribuiu para uma melhor sinterização.Item Genesis of clayey bodies in Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil.(2004) Santos, Marcelo Cabral; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Yvon, JacquesThis work deals with macromorphological, mineralogical, micromorphological and geochemical studies in clayey bodies from Quadrilátero Ferrı́fero in order to define their genesis and formation conditions in this geologic province from Minas Gerais State. Methodologies, based on the description of outcrops and drill cores, using X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential and gravimetric thermal analyses (DTA-TG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical analysis of thin sections and chemical analyses allowed for the definition of two different genetic types of clayey bodies. One type, SET 1, occurs upon saprolitic material from Paleoproterozoic rocks in unconformity contact. It is constituted, from the base to the top, by four facies: nodular, ferruginous kaolinitic, mottled kaolinitic, and massive kaolinitic. The origin of this set is related to the deposition of lateritic materials by gravitational process. The faciological differentiation of this set is related to the syn-depositional process and postdepositional mechanisms of ferruginization and deferruginization. The second type, SET 2, is composed by an ilmenitic–kaolinitic tabular facies in discordant relationships with the saprolite material from Paleoproterozoic rocks. The origin of this second set is related to “in situ” alteration of intrusive rocks of acidic composition.Item Geochemical evolution of the capim river kaolin, northern Brazil.(2006) Sousa, Daniel José Lima de; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Yvon, JacquesThe Capim River kaolin, located in the eastern Brazilian Amazon, constitutes one of the most important kaolin deposits in the world. Known for its high whiteness, its noble application is in the paper industry. Studies were carried out on samples from the six facies of the deposit (sand kaolin, soft kaolin, lower transition facies, ferruginous crust, upper transition facies and flint kaolin) in order to trace its geochemical evolution. The kaolin developed at the expense of Cretaceous sandy–clayey sediments of the Ipixuna Formation. Intense lateritic processes characterized by ferruginization and deferruginization mechanisms led to the distinction of the different facies.Item Geochemistry of a sedimentary lateritic kaolin deposit in Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil.(2006) Santos, Maria do Carmo; Varajão, Angélica Fortes Drummond Chicarino; Yvon, JacquesThe present study deals with the mineralogy and geochemistry of the clayey facies of the Água Limpa kaolin deposit, situated in the Moeda Syncline, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Kaolinite, quartz, oxides and iron hydroxides (hematite and goethite) represent the mineral assembly of the five facies of the deposit. White mica, rutile, anatase and gibbsite are heterogeneously distributed along the profile. Despite the variable behavior of the chemical elements along the profile, the geochemical patterns for major and rare earth elements enable to define the filiations generated by the laterization process that affected the sediments.