DEGEO - Departamento de Geologia

URI permanente desta comunidade


Resultados da Pesquisa

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    Assessment of geoelectrical configurations using reduced physical models for the structural mapping of rock mass and fractured aquifers.
    (2021) Cardoso, Luiz Henrique; Bacellar, Luis de Almeida Prado
    The identification of geological fractures is important for the solution of several geotechnical and hydrogeological problems. The electrical resistivity method has been used to identify fractures, and this research seeks the opti- mization of its application in characterizing rock mass and fractured aquifers. A reduced physical model consisting of marble plates buried in saturated sand was built inside an acrylic tank in order to simulate a frac- tured rock mass covered by saturated soil. The contacts between the plates represent two vertical fracture fam- ilies, named J1 and J2, which were respectively oriented in the NS and N60°E directions. In the comparison between the electrical arrays, the same parameters were considered, e.g. depth of investigation and number of survey lines, as well as internal and boundary conditions. The experiments were divided in stages E1 and E2. In stage E1, azimuthal surveys were carried out using Wenner, Equatorial Dipole-Dipole and Quadratic arrays. The Equatorial Dipole-Dipole array required the smallest area to relocate cables and electrodes and yielded the best results regarding the interpretation of apparent electrical resistivity ellipses and rock mass anisotropy. It was also accurate in the estimation of the fissural porosity. In stage E2, electrical profiling was carried out via the Dipole-Dipole and Gradient arrays. The latter yielded the best resolution regarding the electrical resistivity anomalies, which allowed the mapping of all fractures present in the surveyed area by means of 2D and 3D anal- yses. It is believed that these results be of relevance to the characterization of fractures in geotechnical studies and water exploration in fractured aquifers.
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    Análise geofísica regional do controle litoestrutural em voçorocas da porção centro-sul do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brasil.
    (2022) Cardoso, Luiz Henrique; Bacellar, Luis de Almeida Prado; Martins, Ana Luísa Santos; Bragioni, Débora de Oliveira
    No Complexo Bação, unidade do embasamento cristalino do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, há inúmeras ocorrências de voçorocas e o entendimento de seus mecanismos evolutivos é necessário, principalmente, para discutir medidas de controle, em prol da segurança de zonas urbanizadas ao entorno. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi preencher as lacunas no conhecimento sobre a influência de estruturas planares nas voçorocas do Complexo e, principalmente, no entorno a sul (unidade supracrustal – Formação Cercadinho). Para isso, integrou-se o processamento de dados de Gravimetria, Magnetometria e Radiometria, a outros dados remotos e de campo. Os resultados mostram estruturas planares remanescentes das rochas exercendo forte controle. O eixo maior das voçorocas associadas a gnaisses e granitoides, desenvolve-se, preferencialmente, na direção 50° a 70°NW e, subordinadamente, 40° a 50°NE e E-W, pelo condicionamento combinado da foliação e fraturas. As associadas a filitos são controladas por dobramentos, pela foliação, por falhas e fraturas (principalmente, N50°W / 70°NE e N45°E / 75°NW), por onde se desenvolvem sulcos de erosão, obliquamente e ao longo do eixo maior, e movimentos de massa, como rupturas em cunha. Acredita-se que esta pesquisa possa subsidiar campanhas de intervenções geotécnicas para o controle de voçorocas.
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    Análise aeromagnetométrica e radiométrica da região de Camargos, Borda Leste do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, MG, Brasil.
    (2020) Cardoso, Luiz Henrique; Bacellar, Luis de Almeida Prado
    Este trabalho investiga os aspectos geológicos e geoeconômicos da região de Camargos, situada na borda leste do Quadrilátero Ferrífero, através de análise geofísica. Sobre a região da qual tem sido explotado minério de ouro desde o Século XVII, há poucos relatos de literatura geológica. Assim, visando contribuir ao entendimento geológico de Camargos, são apresentados o produto de processamento e a interpretação de banco de dados geofísicos aerolevantados de magnetometria e radiometria. No tocante à contextualização geológica, o embasamento que é constituído por gnaisses está exposto pelo Horst de Camargos. As serras são sustentadas pelos quartzitos do Grupo Maquiné entre os quais afloram escamas tectônicas dos xistos do Grupo Nova Lima. Sequências do Supergrupo Minas afloram na porção oeste e constituem a Homoclinal de Camargos, na qual é observada a inversão das sequências litológicas, visto a influência do domínio dos sistemas de falhas de empurrão da Água Quente e de Fundão-Cambotas. Depósitos aluvionares são observados em planície de inundação confinada. A interpretação geofísica mais importante foi a percepção de zonas de cisalhamento e atividade de hidrotermalismo, o que contribui em parte, ao entendimento das mineralizações de ouro que estão relacionadas às sequências do Supergrupo Rio das Velhas na região.
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    Geophysical analysis of natural caves in iron lithotypes in the region of Mariana, Southeastern Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil.
    (2018) Cardoso, Luiz Henrique; Bacellar, Luis de Almeida Prado; Barbosa, Maria Sílvia Carvalho; Lima, Hernani Mota de
    In Brazil, natural caves in iron lithotypes have increasingly been discovered in iron mining areas and its surroundings. Mining companies attempt to study them according to the Federal Decree 6640/2008 and the Normative Instruction 2/2009 of the Ministry of the Environment, which is concerned with the preservation of the Brazilian Speleological Heritage. This research is within one of those studies in which a geophysical campaign methodology is established for an attempted prospection of caves, in an area located on the north flank of Mariana's Anticlinal, Quadrilátero Ferrífero. The flank, which is sustained by iron formations from the Itabira Group and covered by the product of alteration and sedimentary redistribution, experienced extensive and compressive tectonics, generating, respectively, the main structuration in the NW-SE direction and schist thrust slices from the Nova Lima Group. Caves are mainly developed in the lithological contacts and in fault zones. In the regional stage, the methodology uses aeromagnetometric (identification of iron lithotypes, structural and statistical analysis of magnetic lineaments) and aeroradiometric (structural-geological mapping and setting of lithological contacts) methods. Results have shown some caves in lateral contact zones between lithologies, and the structural control imposed by a shear zone in the area. At the local stage, the electrical resistivity method - EL was used, dipoledipole array, data mathematical inversion, presentation of pseudo-depth sections and tridimensional modeling. The results, in accordance with the topographic data, show the possible limits of the geometric contour and the tendency for cave deepening. However, studies of the moisture, of similar caves with different spacings, and the use of Ground Penetration Radar – GPR are suggested.
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    A vibrational spectroscopic study of the phosphate mineral minyulite KAl2(OH,F)(PO4)2 4(H2O) and in comparison with wardite.
    (2014) Frost, Ray Leslie; López, Andrés; Xi, Yunfei; Cardoso, Luiz Henrique; Cipriano, Ricardo Augusto Scholz
    Vibrational spectroscopy enables subtle details of the molecular structure of minyulite KAl2(OH,F)(PO4)2_ 4(H2O). Single crystals of a pure phase from a Brazilian pegmatite were used. Minyulite belongs to the orthorhombic crystal system. This indicates that it has three axes of unequal length, yet all are perpendicular to each other. The infrared and Raman spectroscopy were applied to compare the structure of minyulite with wardite. The reason for the comparison is that both are Al containing phosphate minerals. The Raman spectrum of minyulite shows an intense band at 1012 cm_1 assigned to the m1 PO3_ 4 symmetric stretching vibrations. A series of low intensity Raman bands at 1047, 1077, 1091 and 1105 cm_1 are assigned to the m3 PO3_ 4 antisymmetric stretching modes. The Raman bands at 1136, 1155, 1176 and 1190 cm_1 are assigned to AlOH deformation modes. The infrared band at 1014 cm_1 is ascribed to the PO3_ 4 m1 symmetric stretching vibrational mode. The infrared bands at 1049, 1071, 1091 and 1123 cm_1 are attributed to the PO3_ 4 m3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The infrared bands at 1123, 1146 and 1157 cm_1 are attributed to AlOH deformation modes. Raman bands at 575, 592, 606 and 628 cm_1 are assigned to the m4 out of plane bending modes of the PO3_ 4 unit. In the 2600– 3800 cm_1 spectral range, Raman bands for minyulite are found at 3661, 3669 and 3692 cm_1 are assigned to AlOH/AlF stretching vibrations. Broad infrared bands are also found at 2904, 3105, 3307, 3453 and 3523 cm_1. Raman bands at 3225, 3324 cm_1 are assigned to water stretching vibrations. A comparison is made with the vibrational spectra of wardite. Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has enabled aspects of the structure of minyulite to be ascertained and compared with that of other phosphate minerals.